[Characters 4 & 7 Selected]

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Character4: Willow

Revoler: Revolver will allows Willow to shoot at anyone hostle to stun them
Reload: Reload allows Willow to Reload her Revolver, Willow starts out with 6 bullets each round,
Slide: Slide allows Willow to do a mobility move were she can't be damaged till she finishes

Character7: Tigry

Dagger Attack: Dagger Attack allows Tigry to attack anyone hostle to stun them
Dagger throw: Dagger throw allows Tigey to throw one of his daggers to attack anyone hostle, but of Tigry throw both he will need to pick them up
Roll: Roll is only accessible when Tigry has throw both of his Daggers. Like Willows Slide he can't be hurt while doing his roll

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