💿: Helpful?

44 3 54

$##$ woke up in a Hospital bed

"Ugh what happened?" $##$ asked

$##$ was just about to get up when a Nurse came into the room

"Oh my your a wake!" The Nurse said sounding surprised but quickly changing her mood

"Oh my your a wake!" The Nurse said sounding surprised but quickly changing her mood

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"What the Fuck happened? And why am I here?" $##$ asked

"Oh sir you where in a car accident" The Nurse said

"WHAT!?" $##$ asked

"Don't worry you are fine as far as we know you only suffered a miner concussion" The Nurse said

"As far as you know?" $##$ asked

"We are doing some tests to make sure you are okay" The Nurse said

"Ummm Okay?" $##$ said

"Okay Sir Till the tests are done you can stay in here and watch some TV And if you need some help just press the blue button on the table and I will come in and give you some assistance" Meera said

"Ok Bye" $##$ said

$##$ looked around the room

They saw a vac with some Lavender tulips, The TV, A window wich showed it was almost pitch black outside but soon they noticed some disks

"Huh?" $##$ said looking at the disks

"Why the Fuck are these doing here?" $##$ asked

$##$ saw a DVD player that was connected to the TV so they grabbed a 💿 with the title: Helpful?

"Eh I'm bored" $##$ said as they put the disk in the DVD Player

It took awhile but the screen started to play the video feed

It took awhile but the screen started to play the video feed

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Looks like some Doctors and Nurses talking

"So the Police said they have no idea who took that potion" The Bear said

"Who ever took it left a mess in the lab there was stuff knocked over everywhere I wouldn't be surprised some of it got into the potion" The White Tiger said

"I just hope the police can catch this thief the potion was still in the testing phase we haven't even asked for volunteers yet" the Bear said

"Let's just hope the police find them" The White Tiger said

"Speaking of the police actually I'ma go call them and see what they have done" The White Tiger said

"Okay Bye Waylon" The Bear said

"Bye Beary" Waylon said

Beary was now alone

Beary started to do some paperwork talk to himself

"Bailey... Bella... I hope you both are happy.." Beary said thinking of his deceased daughter and wife

Beary then smelled something like... Fire!

"Is that a fire!?" Beary asked in fear

"Or is it just Meera trying to cook again?" Beary asked

"Should I go alone or go get Waylon to help me?" Beary asked

Should Beary get Waylon?



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