16. Shipwrecked

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Later in the tavern, after a hard day's work of slaying toucans, snakes, and boarwolves, Alec spent the remaining daylight in the tavern. Not necessarily to eat, but also to listen to the music played from the lyre; most nights, the same girl would be there, playing the stringed instrument with her pet cat loafed next to her, practically falling asleep as the lullaby strummed into the night. Just being in the tavern, Alec quickly claimed this particular spot in the town as a rest stop, other than the Pet Master. The welcoming warmth of the building whenever he stepped inside gave him instant comfort. 

Today, though, Alec was anticipatingly waiting for a letter back from his mothers. It had been almost a week since he sent it out. Did they get it? Was it even sent to them in the first place? He considered talking to the lady at the counter in the Pet Master, just to make sure, but he felt like it would've been rude. He didn't want to come off like he was rushing her. 

When the door opened and the bell rang alerting everyone in the tavern that someone was coming in, Alec didn't bother turning around to see who it was. Sighing heavily, he gazed back at the girl on the stage. After the many times he's been in the tavern (which was almost every day), he had never realized how often the girl came in just to practice her lyre. Was this her job? Surely it couldn't have been, as she looked to be like any other adventurer Alec's seen. Other than her cosmetics, that is. She appeared to have a glowing halo hovering above her blonde head, her fair hair pulled into two space buns that reminded Alec of bear ears. 

Suddenly, Alec was forced out of his trance when a pair of hands gripped hard on his shoulders. 

"Whatchu looking at?" the familiar voice asked. Sean shifted his gaze up to see the girl on the stage, then playfully shook Alec. "Aw, do you have the lovey-doves for her?"

"What? No. I don't even know her."


 Alec made a disgusted face at Sean as his friend sat down on the other side of him. "I'm waiting for a letter."

"Then why don't you wait for it at the Pet Master? That's where they deliver it in the first place."

"Can't. It'll be dark soon. We can't go really go anywhere."

Sean rested his head in his hands. "Well, if it's dark, then you might not be getting your letter until tomorrow. Why are you so worried about it anyway?"

Alec shrugged, crossing his arms. "It's been almost a week since I've sent it out," he explained. "I'm wondering if they even got it at all."

Sean smiled and patted the boy's back. "Don't think like that, Alec. You'll get your response in no time."

Sean's attempts at making Alec feel better worked slightly, as he grinned softly to his friend. He then frowned when he noticed a bandage on the side of Sean's face, and he pointed to his own for reference.

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's a bandage."

Alec furrowed his brows. "I know what it is, dummy. How'd you get it?"

Sean chuckled awkwardly before rubbing the back of his neck. "I uh... didn't pass the last dungeon."

"So you got a band-aid out of pity?"

"Perhaps. But seriously, I was practically on the ground, so I had to teleport out of there before I got myself mauled." 

"It couldn't be that bad." 

"You wouldn't know. You're still a baby." 

Alec glared at Sean, making him laugh. Sean then hid his face in his hands. "You don't want to know what's in there. It's absolute chaos."

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