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Liam's POV

<< I was just having fun!>>, she's got the nerve to say!

How can she be so ... so ... oh god ...

Her head leans back to the wall behind her and I swear to God she's trying to make my fucking mind blowing away!

She's looking at me with small and intense hazel eyes while she's beating her lower lip.

I have to literally stop myself from take her right here and right now on this fucking floor.

<< You were doing that on purpose, cause you knew I was watching!>>, a flashback of her dancing that way ... moving her hips slowly against Niall's body makes me pissed off and turn me on at the same time.

<< And so??>>.


<< And so?? So you're admitting you were trying to provoke me? Why are you acting like that?!>>.

<< Sooo many questions Liam! Too many! But none of these is the right one!>>.

<< What the hell are you talking about??>>

<< Why were you watching me Liam?>>, she stands there, in front of me, arms crossed and a eyebrow up; <<Why couldn't you stop staring at me when you clearly made me promise to be just ''friends'' less than 24 hours ago? This is the right question!>>.

I open my mouth trying to speak, or scream or anything, but nothing come out. I feel vulnerable and speechless, cause I have no answer for her question.

I don't know why I couldn't stop myself for looking for her since she disappeared with MJ ...

I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her even when I'm with Sandra and I don't know why I felt so fucking relived when I finally spotted her dancing in the middle of the crowd ... so happy, so relaxed and free from any worries. She was laughing and having fun and I couldn't be happier to see her like that, but... I also don't know why I suddenly start to get nervous when Niall joined her.

Watching my friend and her dancing that way ... so flirty and sexy and slowly... too fucking slowly.

<< We are just friends!>>, is everything I manage to say and I almost scream it, hoping to sound more convinced than I really am.

<< Oh yeah! C'mon! Go ahead! Keep repeating it out loud! Maybe you'll convince yourself one day!>>.

Her eyes look at me in such a mad way that I'm actually worried she could start beating me at any time, but it feels also so weird, cause I can hear also amusement in her voice... and that's freaking me out!

She's pissed out, but she can't stop laughing at my words that couldn't sound more false.

She walks past me and simply get out, leaving me here, alone, speechless and miserable.

I decide to close the door back and stay here some more minutes to clear my fucked up mind! I know Sandra's looking for me...

I basically ran away without a word and disappeared to look for Her...

I couldn't stop being worried about her; I saw she drank at least two full glasses of stuff and then I lost her in the crowd and everything I could think about was a completely drunk, beautiful and alone Corine having a fucking panic attack somewhere... or worst...

Her with "Asshole-Craig".

I hate that guy! I can't understand why the hell Zayn keeps calling him "friend", inviting him at every stupid single party!

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