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<< CORINE WAIT!! >>, I call out, but she keeps running away toward the dependence.

I need to talk with her and clear things up as soon as I can, but first ....

<< What the fuck is your problem man!?!? >>, I ask through my teeth, grabbing Louis by his collars. I can see Harry and Niall jump up on their feet just out of the corner of my eye, worried that I may actually beat him ...

<<She had to know! >>, he fires me back; anger fills his ice blue eyes.

<< BULLSHIT! Don't talk shit to me Louis! >>.

<< Liam leave him alone! >>, << Liam calm down! >>, I hear Harry and Niall saying, but I'm too focused on him. Why the hell he hates her so much!??

<< What's your fucking problem with her?! You've been an asshole since she joined us! She's new here! She doesn't know a shit about how things work here, but you keep acting as if all your problems are due to her anyway!! >>, his eyes dart away, his hands still grabbing my wrists. He's not fighting to make me leave him alone and this make me wonder ... He usually hates when people put their hands on him, so if he letting me do it, it means he knows I'm right.

I let him go and walk away looking for Corine.

When I enter MJ's house, I find her walking back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, looking everywhere for something.

<< Corine... >>.

She doesn't answer, not even looking at me.

<< Corine, please ... >>.

<< Where is my bag? >>, she demands, keeping her back on me.

<< Corine stop looking around and listen to__>>

<< WHY THE FUCK I LOOSE EVERYTHING WHEN I'M WITH YOU?! >>, she blurts out, losing the control she was so desperately trying to keep.

<< Your trust?? I haven't lied to you!! And why the hell are you yelling at me now?! I didn't know a shit about Dan's plan until two days ago, like everyone else! >>.


<< What?? >>, I look at her completely lost; her beautiful hazel eyes are filled by pain ... not anger.

And then I realize ...

She's not even thinking about all that freaking Dan's complot!

She feels played by me, that's why she's screaming at me like this ... she's hurt.

<< Corine... it's true that Louis asked me to make sure they wouldn't have make you sign another ... uhm... kind of contract... but believe me, I would have stayed with you anyway! >>.

<< Haha! Sure! >>, she's shaking her head, clearly not believing me.

<< I hate Richard! Trust me... I hate him so much! Dan is an asshole as well, but compared to him, he's nothing! And you think I would have leaved you with the two of them all alone?! >>.

<< The only thing I know is that every time I think you're doing something for me, it turns out to be only an execution of someone's else order! You found me at the bus stop and offered me a ride because your manager asked you so! When Harry came at my place to apologize, you probably came along with him only because he asked you that! And now, I find out you stayed with me, because of Louis's demand! So now I'm wondering if you have any real interest in me, or if you're just pretending for someone else! >>.

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