A battle or is it?

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The fight begin like that. They're in the middle of a battle, and everything seems fine on its surface; but then something hits him from behind, and he falls to the ground, pain shooting up his leg as his back impacts with the hard stone. He tries to catch himself against the wall, but it isn't enough - his fall is too far. He watches in horror as the blood begins trickling down the back of his shirt, staining the fabric red. His breathing has stopped for a second, but when another kick comes at him, he lets out a small cry of surprise and falls backwards onto the floor. He looks up to see two figures approaching, and he panics. A few seconds pass before another blow lands on his face and knocks him unconscious, or whatever this is supposed to be, anyway.
He wakes up to the sound of someone speaking. It takes him a moment to register what he was saying, but as soon as he does, his eyes shoot open and he tries to sit up, to look around for any sign of the person who had just spoken. When that fails, he turns his head, trying to focus on the voice. Finally, after a long moment, he sees two people standing close to each other, one holding a gun towards the other. The first man's features are obscured by a mask, but the second... he recognizes that hair immediately. He doesn't know why. He's been in battles before where he didn't know if they were going to live, much less who their opponents were. Maybe he'd forgotten it, or maybe he hadn't been in any fights for so long that even seeing them is an unfamiliar sight.
They both have guns pointed straight at him, and while the man on the right is holding it steadily, unfortunately the both got suddenly killed by an entity behind the left man. It looks almost exactly like the other men except for a large red eye that has grown bigger than the rest of its body, giving it a menacing appearance. Before anyone can react though, the man on the right shoots it through the eye, and it falls over, revealing the real form of the beast. Its face is covered in blood, a trail of blood dripping from its eye down to its chin. It stands there still, seemingly frozen, and then starts making weird noises. The two men seem surprised, confused even. They turn to each other, and say something he doesn't understand. The strange noise gets louder. Then, as fast as it came, it goes away, and the two men disappear, leaving no traces. Just a dead monster.
He sits there on the cold floor for a little while longer, not really paying attention to anything around him. All he knows is the overwhelming sense of dread that's filling every inch of his body. After a couple minutes, the silence breaks. One of the soldiers walks over to where he is sitting, crouching down next to him. "Hey there, partner, you okay?" he asks kindly.
His heart jumps into his throat, almost choking him. The fear is quickly replaced with anger, however. Why the fuck did this person care if he was alright?! What business did he have asking such an irrelevant question? He doesn't bother to answer, instead turning his head slightly to glare at him. The soldier gives him a concerned smile and moves to speak again, but this time a gunshot rings out.
He flinches and his head snaps up as the man falls down next to him. He blinks a couple times as his vision slowly adjusts to the darkness surrounding him. Where is he? And what happened? Did he get shot? Is he dead? How did he survive? Wasn't he on some planet or something that was destroyed? Everything's fuzzy, like the memory itself is fading in and out. He closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing, slowing it down until it stops completely, forcing his thoughts to become coherent again. Slowly, everything is coming back together. First, the sound of gunfire. Second, a gunshot. Third, someone calling his name. Fourth, his legs. Fifth, something moving beside him. Sixth, someone helping him to stand. Seventh, more gunshots. Eighth, someone telling him to run. Ninth, running faster, faster, faster. Ninth, stopping. Tenth, falling. Twelfth, falling. Fourteenth, hitting the ground. Fifteenth, pain. Sixteen, the world spinning, lights flashing in front of his eyes. Seventeenth, darkness. Eighteen, a pair of arms pulling him up. Nineteen, shouting. Twenty, running. Twenty, falling. Thirty, darkness. Thirty, lights flashing in his vision. Thirty, screaming. Thirty, a woman laughing in front of him. Forty, running. Forty, a sword sticking into his chest. Fifty, yelling. Fifty, darkness. Fifty, voices. Fifty, darkness. Fifty, voices. Fifty, lights. Fifty, stabbing. Fifty, light. Fifty, lights.
When he opens his eyes, the room is bright once more, and he's surrounded by a number of people dressed in similar uniforms. There's nothing familiar about any of them though. They all stare at him as he blinks a couple times, trying to process what just happened.
"Who are these people? Who sent us here?" He asks, his voice surprisingly steady considering how scared he actually was.
One of the soldiers steps forward and kneels down to his level, putting a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "We don't know, sir. We only found out about them when we arrived on your planet - there must have been a transmission error. We've never seen anything like it before. Whoever made those things probably knew that someone would be arriving here eventually and decided to send their agents ahead of time to prepare you for what might happen. We think they may have been part of a terrorist group called the Brotherhood," she explains. As she speaks, others start to appear around him, many of whom he's never seen before. Most of them have dark brown hair, like his own, and most wear simple white clothes with blue accents. Some of them are armed, but not very much - mostly handguns and knives.
There's another figure now, wearing the same uniform as everyone else. His hair is black, and he has a serious expression on his face, though there seems to be something else hidden beneath it. Something... sad, perhaps. The man looks directly at Katsuki, and then holds out his hand, inviting him to shake it. Katsuki raises his eyebrows in surprise - this guy looks like he could kill him in a heartbeat. But he reaches out tentatively nonetheless, taking the man's hand and shaking it.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya, the General Counselor aboard the Republic Starship Voyager. Welcome aboard Voyager. I'm sure it won' be easy being in space for a while; you'll need lots of guidance to adjust well to the new environment."
Katsuki nods, unsure of how else to respond, but then Izuku continues talking.
"Now, please follow me, I will take you to a briefing room where you can meet with the council members. Everyone should be meeting with the President already. You'll be able to introduce yourself once they arrive - we hope that you'll join our organization. In the meantime, you can have someone show you where to clean up. I want you feeling as healthy as possible for your arrival here."
Katsuki nods again, watching as the man turns to walk down the hallway he's currently at. He follows slowly behind him, wondering what the hell he'd gotten himself into.

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