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In the avengers tower , the Avengers gathered in Tony's lab after finishing their daily work, and they sat around a large table. They were discussing how to take down Hydra.
"We need a plan," said Clint as he flipped through several papers. "This place is too well defended to just storm in."
"Agreed," Natasha agreed as she leaned her chin on one hand and watched as Thor continued explaining what kind of weapon or technology would be needed to take down a hydra attack.
Thor looked up from the page, "It could be the same type of weapon that was used against me when I first met him!" He grinned widely.
Everyone paused, staring at him as if they didn't understand a word he'd said. Even Steve, who was normally the quietest member of the group, looked confused. "The Hulk? You're talking about Bruce?" Tony asked incredulously.
"Yeeeah, I don't think so," Clint replied. "There is something weird about this guy."
"Yeah but he's pretty harmless," Steve argued. "He doesn't hurt anyone unless you piss him off."
Tony shook his head. "He killed hundreds of people, he has brainwashing powers, and apparently has been working for the government. What do you say we go get some food and then try again another time?"
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Look," she began as she stood, "Bruce seems okay, and he knows what'cha need, maybe he can tell us what Hydra is doing."
Steve nodded thoughtfully, as did Bruce, but no one else seemed all that convinced.
"Okay," said Steve slowly, "but we go with my plan, we attack them from all sides, and we get out of there alive."
"Agreed," said Natasha, and they all nodded before continuing their planning session.
When Friday night rolled around everyone got dressed and headed towards Stark Tower, hoping for some peace and quiet. It had taken longer than expected to track Bruce down since the man spent most of the evening on a farm. As soon as they arrived however, they heard a sound coming from inside.
"Hello?" someone called in a familiar voice. "Is someone here?"
They exchanged a look and then rushed through the doors to find Bruce standing in the middle of the lab.
"Bruce?" asked Clint as they approached.
The doctor spun around, startled by the sudden noise. "Oh! Sorry...I didn't realize it was you guys. I wasn't expecting company."
"You weren't expecting anyone, you were waiting for someone. Why?" Natasha demanded.
"Hm? Oh yeah," he chuckled lightly. "There's a place called Freddy fazbears pizzeria across town from my house. I usually spend my days going over my research while eating pizza. I've got a friend who owns the place, and he says his pizza has never disappointed him. He invited me to come tonight, and I just really wanted some alone time..."
Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You mean William Afton? The last time he came into your house, he nearly ripped your arm off! And he threatened you in front of Steve!"
Bruce gave an amused smile. "Well, maybe not literally, but still, he did threaten me. That doesn't mean he wouldn't have done the same thing if I hadn'e been able to talk him into leaving me alone. But it wasn't like that was new. He's been a little prickish lately," he shrugged.
Clint glanced towards Tony, who frowned back at him before looking away.
Bruce suddenly cleared his throat, snapping everyone back to attention, "Anyway! Since he wants me to come, why don't we meet him later? We'll have dinner, and then we can discuss some other things. How does that sound?"
Before anyone could answer, the door burst open and William stormed in, followed closely behind by Natasha. "Hey! You're late, loser! Let'er go! This punk owes me twenty bucks!" William pushed past Clint to grab Bruce's arm roughly, trying to rip his arm from its socket.
Clint quickly stepped forward, blocking William's path and glaring angrily at him. "What are you doing?!" He growled as Natasha grabbed hold of Bruce's arm.
"Let me go!" Bruce struggled frantically against Natasha's grasp, but it didn't deter William. His expression was twisted in pain and fury. "Let me go!"
"William!" Steve warned in warning, making sure his shield was ready to block anything until Freddy fazbear began attack
, which happened when Natasha managed to pull Bruce away from Billy.
William let out a roar of rage, grabbing a bottle off one of the tables that exploded and throwing it straight at Natasha. She ducked behind a counter and threw herself onto a nearby wall with Bruce right next to her. When the missile passed harmlessly above them, William laughed darkly.
Steve jumped between William and Natasha, holding up his hands placatingly. "Whoa there! Let's take it easy. No need to hurt each other."
William smiled deviously, walking towards Steve. Before he could reach him though, a blur of red hair raced past him towards the elevator.
Bruce took advantage of Steve's distraction and dashed over to the nearest computer. In a flash of blue light, a hologram appeared where once was the keyboard, and he typed furiously.
The group stared as Batman flew into the room. He easily knocked aside William' attack, kicking him in the stomach hard enough for him to stumble backwards.
"Come on Bruce, we're running out of time," Batman urged. He dodged Freddy fazbear next attack and punched him square in the jaw. "Time to fight like a man!"
Freddy fazbear recovered quickly and threw his fists up. Batman blocked the strike and spun out of the way just in time for Peter's web to wrap around Freddy and yank him towards the floor, giving Batman enough time to throw himself at him from underneath. He wrapped an arm around Freddy's neck and slammed him face first into the ground. After a quick moment, Robin jumped out from behind him, landing on top of Batman and wrapping an arm around Freddy's neck tightly.
William stood in shocked silence as the two of them fought viciously against Freddy fazbear, who eventually landed a solid kick on William's chest and sent him flying across the room. Once he landed, William tried to stand but collapsed instantly. A few seconds later the suit on Freddy fazbear's body disappeared and he fell to the ground.
Batman ran over and helped Bruce pull Freddy to his feet. When they were both upright, Freddy turned and ran at Bruce, knocking him to the ground. The two grappled with each other for several minutes before finally stopping, panting harshly.
Robin and Batman stood beside each other as Natasha and the others approached cautiously.
"That...was certainly unexpected," remarked Steve.
"Yeah," mumbled Sam as he looked at Natasha's gun. "I guess this means we're gonna have to fight."
"Don't worry," said Natasha calmly, putting her gun away. "I'm good with guns."
As they watched, Bruce managed to stand and pulled his mask back on. Freddy charged Bruce again and tackled him to the floor. They struggled for a second before Bruce managed to free himself from Freddy's grip. Freddy lunged at Bruce again but stopped short when a red blur hit him from behind and tackled him to the ground. They went rolling away, crashing into another table, sending a large pile of books, pens, and other objects flying.
"Friday?" asked Bruce. "Did they follow us?"
Friday's response made everyone gasp. "No, sir. I am detecting no tracking devices or explosives within range of any sensors in the tower."
"Good," Bruce muttered. "Then we're clear."
"But," began Bruce hesitantly, "what about our guest?"
Everyone turned to look at William Afton, who was currently sprawled out on the floor and staring up at them in confusion.
Batman sighed. "Can you please turn off your hearing aids for a minute?" he pleaded. "We need to explain everything so that you understand why we had to knock you out of commission...and why we think it would be best if you left the city."
William scowled at him and shook his head defiantly. "Why should I trust you?"
Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? After all the shit you've put Bruce through? Why would you even consider listening to us now?"
William hesitated for a long moment and finally sighed heavily. "Fine," he grumbled, sitting up. "But you owe me big time."
Bruce nodded curtly as he walked closer to William, holding out his hand. William took it, helping him up before Bruce proceeded to explain what had happened and how they knew about the animatronics. The billionaire listened quietly while Bruce explained their decision to investigate Freddy and the fact that they had learned about some possible threats coming for Bruce.
Once Bruce had finished talking, William nodded slowly. "And what do you expect me to do about it?"
"We know you're aware of the situation," stated Bruce. "Just tell us the names of the animatronics who attacked us, we will deal with them. You won'e be harmed."
William snorted and glared at the floor. "Like I'd ever tell you anyway," he muttered darkly. "Look, the point is, I want nothing more than to get rid of these stupid animatronics. But what happens if they attack me instead?"
"Then you fight us, of course!" snapped Steve. "I don't think we're gonna just stand idly by after you attacked my friend!"
William chuckled darkly. "Yeah, well, too bad, because if you try to stop me, I' ll kill you." He sneered menacingly. "You're lucky I actually feel bad. Your deaths will only make the situation worse." With a wave of his hand, he disappeared, replaced by a large blue rabbit animatronic. "This way to the control panel. It's on level eight, the lowest level. And since I'm already here, I might as well help myself to a little fun." With that, he turned and exploded himself.

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