A TomTord Fanfic

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Tom and Tord sat at a table, both holding a cup of coffee. The weather outside was unseasonably warm for the time of year-perfect weather to sit out on one of the many terrace areas and take in a lovely view. It would have been an ideal day if they hadn't had such important business on their mind.
"I'm pretty sure you told me that the meeting I had with my agent went well," Tom said as he sipped his coffee. "How did it go?" He hoped not too badly.
Tord grimaced slightly. "You might say that. And yes, it went well." His voice wavered when he spoke, but he pushed through. "However..."
"Oh god, what now?" Tom looked up from his coffee and stared into his friend's face. Tom could tell there was something Tord wanted to say, but couldn't quite find the words to express it. That wasn't like him; normally he'd be able to blurt everything out before he'd even finished thinking about it. He didn't know how long he and Tord had been friends, but it felt like so much longer than that. "Is this about your audition? If you haven't already accepted, that's fine, I understand!"
"It' s more than that," Tord said, his eyes darting around the room and avoiding eye contact. His hands were balled tightly into fists, and Tom knew exactly why. He'd seen those signs before-Tord always got anxious when talking about acting.
Tom leaned forward and grabbed Tord by the shoulders. "Tord! Just spit it out!"
"We need to do more practice sessions, okay?"
Tom froze for just a moment. "Practice sessions? You mean...you're actually going to try this?"
Tord nodded. "If it means I can get my big break, I'll give it my all. I don' t want to screw this up."
Tom smiled, relieved beyond belief. Tord had never shown any sign of wanting to quit acting. Ever. Even though Tom knew that, deep down inside, he really thought he could do it someday. "That's great news! We'll definitely do more practices. I'll make it happen, somehow."
The corners of Tord's lips curled up ever so slightly. "Thanks. That means a lot to me."
"Of course it does, dummy!" Tom grinned. A small voice in the back of his head reminded him how little he knew about acting, but he shoved it aside. All he knew was that Tord seemed to truly believe he had a shot at getting cast in some show or another. Whether that was good enough for him wasn't entirely clear yet, but it meant that Tom wouldn't rest until he knew Tord would be happy and successful.
"Speaking of practicing, what are we doing today?" Tom asked once he'd gotten his thoughts together.
"Well, I've been meaning to work on an idea for next season. Something new, I think... I want to make it more interesting." Tord glanced over at Tom, who nodded encouragingly. "And I was hoping you could help me decide what to use. You seem pretty good at this whole acting thing."
"Of course! What do you have in mind?"
"Something like Romeo and Juliet or something. They're very similar, aren't they? Or maybe...oh! How about a musical?"
"A musical is a good start, yeah. What else?"
"Maybe...well, maybe a romantic comedy? Like...a romance between two people whose relationship has started off rocky. Maybe like Romeo and Juliet, but with more drama instead of romance. Oh! Maybe something about two women trying to figure things out."
Tom nodded along. He could see where this was heading, and it certainly sounded intriguing. "Yeah, that sounds perfect. Do you want me to talk to my agent about putting that in production? We could probably get it signed by tomorrow."
"Sure." Tord smiled at him, then sighed heavily.
"What is it, buddy?"
"Nothing, it's just...this is all happening so fast. I' m worried."
"Worried about being a part of the production team?"
Tord shrugged, staring down at the table.
"Hey," Tom said, reaching out to place his hand over Tord's. "Don't worry. We won't let anything happen to the movie, okay?"
Tord gave him a weak smile, then took a sip of his coffee. "Yeah. Thanks, Tom."
They fell silent again, each lost in their own thoughts.
"Are you sure you're okay, Tord?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason. I just...I worry about you sometimes. It's no secret you're pretty stressed about this whole situation." Tom squeezed Tord's hand. "I wish I could help you more, but I guess I just have to trust you know what you're doing."
Tord gave Tom a grateful look. Then, after a long pause, he asked, "Do you ever wonder what would happen if you didn't come here every single day?"
Tom raised an eyebrow at his friend. He thought for a moment before responding. "Sometimes."
Tord shook his head. "Me neither. Honestly, sometimes I feel like the universe hates me. Like, I don't fit anywhere. Like I should've been born into a normal family instead of having this kind of luck. I feel like nothing will ever go right for me."
He let out a shaky breath and rubbed his face with his free hand. Tom knew that feeling all too well. But unlike Tord, he knew he could overcome his fears and push them away.
"Look, you're not alone," Tom said softly. "There are other people in this world who believe the same thing."
"I know. It doesn't change the fact that I can't shake the feeling of being wrong."
"You're not wrong." Tom gently moved his arm, until he was leaning against Tord's side. He tried to put as much reassurance into his touch as he could. "You're just different. You're special, just like the rest of us."
Tord gave a wry laugh and reached for Tom's coffee cup to refill it. "Not anymore, at least. After what happened last year, I don't think I could handle it if anything bad happens again."
"But what about our friendship, Tord? Don't we still count for something?"
Tord hesitated, then looked up. "Yeah. Of course."
"Good." Tom placed a hand on Tord's shoulder and smiled reassuringly. "Because we're here to help each other, okay?"
For a moment, Tord looked like he was going to cry. Then he nodded, swallowed hard, and returned the gesture. Tom gave his shoulder a squeeze and pulled away, satisfied that he' d done his best to reassure Tord.
"So...tomorrow morning?"
Tom nodded. "Yeah, that works. We should meet somewhere near your office so I can walk with you there."
"Sounds good." Tord reached over and held Tom's hand, which brought a soft smile to Tom's face. He'd missed these moments, these rare moments of affection, the ones that only came when they were alone, without the cameras watching their every move.
"I love you, Tord."
"Love you, too." Tord gave a gentle squeeze.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"What's with the flowers? You usually buy roses and other girly stuff." Tom couldn't keep the amusement out of his tone. He couldn't imagine what the older boy got up to in the dead of night to buy flowers.
"Shut up," Tord said playfully, swatting Tom on the arm.
"I' m kidding! Seriously, you're the most manly guy I know, you know that?"
"Oh please. I may be strong, but I'm not that strong."
"You sure?" Tom smirked, raising his eyebrows.
Tord rolled his eyes. "Okay, I am kind of a huge softy, okay?"
"Then it must be working for you." Tom winked, then added, "And speaking of softies, do you have any idea what time it is?"
"Ah...shit, it's almost 10:30."
Tom groaned. "How am I supposed to get home now?"
"I'll drive you home. And I'll call a cab for the rest of the way."
"You don't have to do that."
"Yeah, but I want to."
"I guess..." Tom sighed, knowing that if he tried arguing, Tord would end up making it anyway. "...thanks."
"No problem. Now, I'm gonna grab my phone from my desk real quick, and then we can leave."
"Okay." Tom shifted his position in his seat, preparing himself for the long wait ahead of them. "Wait, Tord? Can I ask you one more question?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"If...if someone hurt you badly enough that you had to get stitches and a cast, would you ever forgive yourself? If you couldn't get revenge, would you ever stop looking for them?"
Tord's gaze drifted to the floor, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He didn' t reply immediately, giving Tom ample time to consider whether or not he'd crossed a boundary.
"...I suppose I might," Tord eventually answered. "I mean, it'd suck to live the rest of my life never being able to kill the people who did this to me...but I' ve never been good at keeping myself from taking vengeance, so... I think I would have forgiven myself if I was given the chance."
"Yes. As for what you're asking, though...I don't know. I guess I really don't understand why you would even think it. If it was me, it' ll be hard to forgive myself for getting injured because of someone else, but...what if I were the one who attacked you instead? You wouldn't have done anything differently to retaliate against them, because it wasn't your fault at all. So...yeah, I don't think I would ever forgive myself."
"I guess you're right. I just...wish I understood some of the things you do sometimes."
"You should try reading some of the books I brought for you sometime."
"I already have. It's really interesting."
"Just don't read them for too long and you'll be set."
Tom laughed. "It looks like we' re about the same size in height, aren't we?"
Both men laughed. Then Tom leaned back in his chair and took another sip of his coffee. "Thanks, Tord. For listening to me ramble. That means a lot."
"Anytime, Tom." Tord smiled at him. "Besides, it's always nice to hear you talk about your feelings, especially since they're usually so negative."
"Well, I'm definitely talking about my feelings about this project now."
"See? Nothing to be ashamed of. Just because your life sucks doesn't mean you're automatically bad at life. Besides, it's better than having no emotions at all, isn't it?"
"I guess so." Tom looked up as Matt entered the room, holding two cups of coffee.
Matt handed one to Tom before sitting in his chair, sipping at his own coffee. When he looked up, he noticed that both of his friends had suddenly become very quiet. They seemed deep in thought, probably about whatever they were talking about. Matt frowned slightly. "Is everything alright?"
Tord blinked once before turning to his boyfriend with a bright smile on his face. "Yeah, of course. Everything's great." He paused. "Everything, except the fact that I'm stuck here with you and the two idiots who call themselves my friends."
Matt grinned as he finished off the last few drops of his coffee. "That sounds pretty miserable. But hey, I'm sorry if I interrupted your conversation. I didn't realize Tom was awake yet. He usually sleeps till noon."
"Oh, don't worry," Tom said quickly. "We're just getting warmed up now. No big deal."
"You two ready to start work, or do you need some time to yourselves first?"
"Um...yeah, actually. Let's get started on this project."
"Alright. Well, don' t stay up too late," Matt told them. "Or I won't be able to make the lunch special tomorrow."
Tom groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Why'd you have to remind me of that? I hate that fucking salad!"
"Language, Tom," Tord scolded lightly. He turned to Matt. "Let's go."
The three left the conference room, headed toward their respective desks. Matt sat down in his desk, and Tom and Tord continued on to theirs. The door closed behind them, and they sat quietly for several minutes, neither saying a word.
"Are you okay, Tom?" Tord finally asked, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Tom shook his head. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize. You don't need to keep apologizing when you clearly don't mean it."
Tom nodded. There was a brief pause. "Do you...do you think he knows? About...about what happened?"
"He knows we're gay, and that we used to date. Which is obvious. He saw us kiss on TV, remember? I'm pretty sure he already knew."
"But...how does he know that he's gay?' How could he possibly know?" Tom furrowed his brow as he asked the question. "He's not exactly subtle about it."
"I don't know either."
Another short, uncomfortable silence followed. After another minute or two, Tom broke the silence.
"Does that...does that bother you?" He was struggling to find words that wouldn't sound accusatory.
"When...when we kissed. On camera."
Tord paused again. "Not really. Why do you ask?"
"I dunno. It's just weird that he knows how we feel about each other, you know?" Tom shrugged and looked away, refusing to meet his boyfriend's stare. "I'm still not over it, honestly."
"I'm not surprised." Tord reached out and placed his hand gently on top of Tom's. "Hey, look at me." Tom reluctantly complied. "I've known you for five years now. Since we were kids, even. Do you think I haven't felt this attraction toward you? I think that I love you, Tom."
"I love you too."
"I know you do, Tom. I just wish you' d believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That I'm not disgusted by you. Or that I'm only attracted to guys, or that I would never cheat on you."
"I know you wouldn't cheat on me." Tom squeezed Tord's hand reassuringly. "That's why we're together. I trust you completely. I know it's not true, but I also know that you wouldn't do that to me. Never."
"Good." Tord leaned forward and gave Tom a gentle kiss on his forehead, then went silent.
A few seconds later, Tom sighed deeply. "What time is it?"
"Almost midnight."
Tom winced at the time. "Shit."
"You'd best start writing soon."
"Yeah, yeah. I will."

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