Chapter 5

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You don't have to carry me, Bella." you say, although it flatters you to be carried like a bride. "But I want to." she replies and opens the door of the saloon. You are now standing in a dark corridor, on the walls are many paintings with stern looking witches and wizards looking down. You take a good look around and ask, "Is this your house?" Bellatrix shakes her head and says, "No, it belongs to my sister and her husband." You nod and look around as Bella carries you through the large manor. After a short time you arrive in a room- it's a bedroom. The walls are painted a beautiful dark red and the furniture is made of a shiny wood that looks almost black. It's not difficult for you to tell that it's Bellatrix's room, because it seems to be tailored to her. She lays you on the big four-poster bed and you start smiling uncontrollably. This is the softest bed you've ever slept in! You stretch out your arms to Bella, "Come to me." She smiles and lies down next to you. You slide a little closer to her and snuggle up to her. She is so warm and the smell of her perfume reminds you of a rose garden. As you two lie there, your eyelids slowly grow heavy and you stifle a yawn. "It's late Y/n, we should sleep", she says while wrapping you in the cozy blanket. "And... you think I can stay here?", you ask, remembering that the house doesn't belong to Bella. "Yes, of course you can. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it," she says immediately and smiles. Her smile gives you a warm feeling in your chest and you grin happily. You feel very comfortable and lie down in Bellatrix's arm. She strokes your back and kisses you first on the lips and then on the forehead, "Sleep well beautiful.""Sleep well too, Bella," you say. Then you close your eyes while rubbing your head against her shoulder with relish. It only takes a few minutes for you to fall asleep deeply. It is a nice, restful sleep that you enjoy very much. You don't dream, or at least you don't remember one. But you are quite sure that it was a wonderful dream. After a few hours you slowly wake up. You don't know what woke you up, but you don't care either. Without opening your eyes, you just want to keep snuggling up to Bella, but- she's not there... Now you open your eyes. Maybe she just slipped away from you a bit...? No. She's not here anymore. A little confused, you sit up and turn on the bedside lamp. *She's probably just on the toilet.* you think and look towards the door. A minute goes by, then two, three, four... after ten minutes at the latest you get it: she's not on the toilet. You're starting to think seriously. You are in the house of a strange family, in the bedroom of a well-known Death Eater and have no idea where she - your beloved - has gone. You get up, go to the window and push aside one of the heavy curtains. It's still dark outside, still in the middle of the night. You see trees. Trees... nothing else. No Bellatrix far and wide. Should you be looking for her in the manor? No, that would achieve nothing. She's not here, you're pretty sure of that. You pace up and down the room restlessly, *Where is she? What if the Ministry caught her?* You stare at the clock: 3:52 a.m. "Bella, please come back soon..." you say, probably more to yourself, because Bellatrix can't hear it anyway. You're about to burst into tears when you hear something. Is it- yes... steps!

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