Chapter 13

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You two walk down narrow, dark alleys. You hold Bella's hand tightly, as you don't really feel comfortable with the people coming towards you. Because the witches and wizards who cross your paths there are all pretty shady. That only seems to matter to you though. Because Bellatrix makes her way through the crowds with you in tow very confidently. She seems to know exactly where she wants to go and you hurry to follow her. After a few minutes you two come to a shop. This shop is quite small and you can't see through the windows as they were so dirty and dark.  You walk in and you find that you are the only customers here. There are... things. Things you've never seen before. But you are very, very sure that these things are out of dark magic. Bellatrix advances to the counter, where a small, rather fierce-looking man was the evident owner of the shop. "Miss Lestrange...I assume you would like to collect your order?" asks the man with a slight bow. Bella nods and puts some coins on the counter. "Here's your payment..." The man takes the coins and puts them in a large cloth bag which he then tuckes away in his jacket pocket. Then he goes into a small chamber behind the counter, which is separated from the shop by a curtain. After a short time he comes back and places a black wooden box in front of Bellatrix. She takes the box, tucks it under her arm and turns to leave without another word. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Miss Lestrange." the salesman calls after her before you both leave the store. "That wasn't very nice..." you chide Bella as you stroll through the narrow streets again. Bellatrix looks at you and asks, a little confused, "What do you mean?" "Well, how you treated the man, so dismissive and rude" you explain. "Oh come on Y/n... haven't you noticed how slimy and sneaky that guy is?" snorts Bella.  You bite your lip. Because now that she says it, you notice it too. Bellatrix continues slowly, "He knows which people he should be nice to. He hopes this will give him an advantage later on." "An advantage...? With what?" "Well, for example if a war is to break out... he already knows which side the stronger ones are on." says Bella quite dryly. You have to swallow hard. *War... a war...? Bellatrix would have to fight in this war....* You look at her and ask very quietly, "Do you think it's going to happen soon? The war, I mean...?" Bella seems to notice that you're worried and gently strokes your cheek as she speaks, "It's going to be a while before it happens. But even if happens some day, don't worry baby..." Her voice sounds so calm, and so free from any concern. But the queasy feeling in your stomach still persists. "You talk yourself so easy Bella, I love you and I don't want you to have to fight a war..." you lament sadly. Bellatrix's gaze becomes very soft now and she hugs you lovingly. You cling to her a bit and whisper next to her ear, "I never want to be without you again...never again. And certainly not forever...." As you say that, Bella looks at you. Suddenly she looks slightly nervous. She pulls away from you, and then she does something you can't believe... she gets on her knees and pulls a ring box out of her pocket!

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