Chapter 14

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Time passed slowly since Cursedfire's warrior ceremony. He just wanted the gathering to come sooner. He loved being a warrior, being able to lead patrols, and being respected. He was still a young warrior and had a long way ahead of him.

Not much has happened, though, Blackkit has one more moon to become an apprentice, and Lionkit has hung around Smokecloud and all his herbs every single day. Cracklecoat had also moved to the elder's den with Patchfoot after she had lost an eye to an enemy warrior. Ashblade tried to persuade her that she could still be a warrior but she just shook her head, knowing her eyesight is what made her such a good warrior.

Cursedfire sat near the medicine den, looking at the Elder's den. Patchfoot stopped talking after Inferno passed and Cursedfire missed her snappy remarks. He respected her, however, he knew she was still grieving. Cursedfire laid his head on his paws, closing his eyes. Tonight is the gathering, I have to talk to Halfpaw.

"Cursedfire! Cursedfire!" Blackkit ran into the warrior's side, causing him to yelp. Cursedfire looked at the kit and growled, standing up.

"Show me some battle moves!" Blackkit purred. Cursedfire hissed and stepped away.

"Why don't you ask your father?" Cursedfire asked, annoyed.

"Redwhisker is on a patrol! Please please Cursedfire!" The kit begged, jumping up and down.

Odd, I thought Redwhisker had to stay in the camp today.

Cursedfire shook his head, pushing away the thought. He sighed and nodded, making Blackkit's eyes light up. He brought the kit to a shady place under a tree, looking at him.

"Now listen, I'll teach you the hunter's crouch and that's all. Sparkblast doesn't want me to teach you battle moves yet, and since she is a senior warrior I will do as she tells me." Cursedfire meowed sternly, making Blackkit whine.

"But I already know the hunter's crouch!" Blackkit whined, making Cursedfire growl. This has to be the whiniest kit I've ever seen.

"Okay, show me if you apparently already know how to do it." Cursedfire meowed, sitting down and waiting.

"Fine! Watch and learn." Blackkit sneered.

Blackkit tried many times but every time Cursedfire would say "Wrong" or "No". Blackkit whined, trying to tell Cursedfire he was doing it right. Not until the meow from his mother did he stop.

"Blackkit that's enough, stop pestering Cursedfire and come back to the nursery." Sparkblast meowed to her kit. Blackkit snorted and walked over to his mother, frowning.

Cursedpaw sighed and sat down, nodding his head in thanks to Sparkblast. The queen purred and went into the nursery, pushing Blackkit along with her. Cursedfire stood up and walked over to the fresh-kill pile. As he was about to grab a vole he saw his reflection in a puddle. It was like time froze, he couldn't move, he just stared into the eyes of his reflection. The fire mark around his eye seemed to come to life and dance on his eye, making him tremble.

"Cursedfire! You've been standing there forever! Come on!" Charcoalwing hissed.

Cursedfire snapped out of it and looked at him. The gathering! How long did I stand here! He quickly ran over, apologizing. Cursedfire looked back at the puddle and a chill went down his spine. He forced himself to look away and looked over at the leader's den.

Hethermoth was speaking with Emberstar and it didn't look like a nice conversation. Hethermoth had sadness in her eyes, her tail tucked between her legs. Emberstar hung his head as he spoke slowly. Cursedfire raised his head, catching his leader's eyes. Emberstar's eyes widened and he whispered something to Hethermoth, walking away.

Hethermoth's head dropped and her ears went down, walking into Emberstar's den. Cursedfire looked at his father, opening his mouth, but one look from Emberstar shut him up. What was going on? He was brought out of his thoughts when they began leaving camp. Cursedfire followed slowly behind everyone else.

"Cursedfire, don't be unhappy. Emberstar will tell you soon, so don't worry too much." Smokecloud meowed softly, running beside Cursedfire.

Cursedfire nodded and stayed silent as they ran, noticing sadness in the medicine cat's eyes. He knows too? Cursedfire turned his head away and kept running, soon getting to Fourtrees. Cursedfire frantically looked around for Halfpaw. Please be here! His eyes caught sight of an orange and black pelt, instantly running over. He was just about to call her name but Froststar yowled.

"Frozenclan is well, my clan chased a dog out of our territory so be on the lookout for it. I don't know if it will go to any of your territories." Froststar meowed, his voice deep and piercing, making every cat start whispering. Emberstar walked forward, his eyes distant.

"Fireclan is thriving, we even have a new warrior. Cursedfire." Emberstar meowed, making every cat turn to Cursedfire.

Cursedfire purred and his eyes caught sight of Halfpaw. They stared at each other for what felt like forever. She soon looked away, sadness in her eyes. Huh? Tigerstar stepped forward as well, his tail held high as he looked at Cursedfire.

"We also have a new warrior. Halfpelt!" Tigerstar yowled with pride. She's a warrior too!

The gathering soon ended and Cursedfire ran towards Halfpelt. He stopped as he saw her talking to a white warrior with a long scar going down his flank. He waited till he left and ran up to her.

"You got your warrior name!" Cursedfire meowed, looking into Halfpelt's eyes.

Halfpelt turned her head away and began walking away. Cursedfire growled and ran in front of her. She stopped and turned the other way, walking away again. Cursedfire sighed and ran in front of her again.

"Wait! Please! I need to speak with you!" Cursedfire begged. Halfpelt sighed and stopped, waiting.

"Thank you. I can't talk here, so meet me here at nightfall tomorrow. I'll be waiting." Cursedfire ran back to his clan as they ran home, Halfpelt watching him go. 

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