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     The wind blew the branches of the pine trees and tugged the leaves, making them slowly fall to the ground.


The medicine cat went back and forth from the medicine den and the nursery, a bundle of herbs in his mouth each time. Cats surrounded the nursery, whispering among themselves. The sky was clear as the body of silverpelt showed.


The Fireclan leader pushed his way out of his den quickly. He stared down at the nursery, feeling the wind in his fur. He dug his claws into the dirt and perked his ears, listening carefully. Soon enough, he heard the mews of kits from the nursery.

"Emberstar!" Ashblade, the Deputy, yowled once again, his tone full of happiness.

"I'm coming, Ashblade! I'm coming!" The red leader jumped down and ran quickly over to the nursery.

His clanmates moved out of his way and he pushed his way into the nursery. Once inside, he saw his beautiful mate, Hethermoth. She was laying in her nest, her flank steadily rising and falling while her tail was wrapped around two small bundles of fur.

"They're beautiful." Emberstar walked over to the nest and gently licked the top of Hethermoth's head.

Hethermoth smiled weakly up at him, making Emberstar worry. He looked over to the medicine cat, Smokecloud, with worry in his eyes. Smokecloud nodded his head and smiled, walking out of the den. Hethermoth would be fine. 

"What will we name them?" Emberstar sat and stared at the little bundles suckling their mother.

"Flamekit, for his red pelt." Hethermoth licked the small red bundle, making him look up, his eyes barely open.

Emberstar purred softly and licked the grey bundle of fur, making him look up. Both of his parents gasped, shocked. On the kit's left eye was a flame mark, dark red.

"Firekit." Emberstar meowed softly and licked his son again, purring steadily.

Emberstar watched as his clanmates visited the nursing queen and her kits. He purred, knowing that his kits will be loved by the whole clan, not just by their parents. Smokecloud walked over to his leader and sat down, wrapping his tail around his legs, the wind blowing his light grey fur.

"I have spoken with Starclan." Smokecloud meowed softly, glancing at the red tom. Emberstar kept his gaze on the nursery, his ears twitching at Smokecloud's words.

"A kit, grey as ash, will rise as tall as the highest flame." Emberstar's head snapped towards Smokecloud. Firekit!

The Fire Prophecy/Book 1Where stories live. Discover now