Chapter 18

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Time passed quickly, Cursedfire's wounds healing. The pain had finally gone and he could now run and hunt once again. He did have scars but just as Smokecloud told him, they told stories. Brave stories.

Cursedfire, however, watched his leader closely every day to make sure he was alright. He couldn't shake the fear of losing Emberstar and now he felt like an overprotective queen. Cursedfire sat by Blazefang and Burnwing eating a sparrow.

"Hey, Blazefang, how is Flaremist? Is she alright? How much longer until the kits come along?" Cursedfire asked, swallowing the rest of his meal.

"Smokecloud said it's gonna be very soon. I'm so excited!" Blazefang meowed, happiness in his voice.

Cursedfire purred, glad for his friend. Lionkit, Foxkit, and Carmelkit were getting older, they were two moons already. Foxkit was a troublesome kit unlike his sister, Carmelkit. Carmelkit was a very kind she-cat, her sister, however, was a very happy adventuress kit. It was strange that Lionkit would be like that since she is with Smokecloud most of the day.

"All cats old enough to fight with fire come to the bottom of water-rock!" Emberstar announced.

Cursedfire looked up, confused. He got up, walking over to a spot under Water rock with Blazefang. He watched as his clanmates walked out of their dens.

"Blackkit! Come forward!" Emberstar yowled, making Cursedfire finally understand.

Blackkit pulled himself from his mother and walked forward. Emberstar jumped down from Water rock and walked to Blackkit. His eyes caught sight of Cursedfire's, nodding. Emberstar looked down at the small kit, his eyes filled with pride.

"Blackkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Blackpaw. Your mentor will be Cursedfire. I hope Cursedfire will pass down all he knows on to you." Emberstar meowed, looking over at Cursedfire. "Cursedfire, come forward."

Cursedfire bowed his head, walking over, his tail swaying. He caught sight of Emberclaw's glaring eyes. He sighed and ignored him. He stopped in front of Emberstar, Blackpaw by his side.

"Cursedfire, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Ashblade, and you have shown yourself to be brave and strong. You will be the mentor of Blackpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Blackpaw." Emberstar backed away and bowed his head.

Cursedfire turned to Blackpaw and touched noses with him. Their clanmates cheered, calling Blackpaw's name to Starclan. Blackpaw jumped in place and spun around happily. He ran over to his mother, Sparkblast, and his father, Redwhisker.

"Don't think you're a better warrior than me because you got an apprentice. You'll curse Blackpaw, I know you will. Everywhere you go you curse something, even yourself." Emberclaw growled as he walked past Cursedfire.

"Oh ignore him, he's just trying to get under your pelt." Tindersnout, a beautiful blue-gray tabby she-cat, meowed.

Cursedfire bowed his head to her, purring. He watched as the she-cat looked over to Charcoalwing, sadness in her eyes. Charcoalwing had learned many moons ago that he was named after a rogue named Charcoal. That rogue was Tindersnout's first mate. Charcoalwing never treated his mother with respect and it made Cursedfire angry.

"So what will you teach me?" Blackpaw was jumping in front of Cursedfire happily.

"I will show you around our territory of course." Cursedfire purred, his tail swaying.

Cursedfire began walking to the camp entrance, laughing as Blackpaw walked happily beside him. They left camp and Cursedfire ran, Blackpaw running behind him. He tried going slow so his apprentice could keep up with him.

By the time they got back, it was moon high. Blackpaw kept asking questions so it took them longer than normal. The black apprentice was exhausted but he had excitement in his eyes when they went through the camp entrance. He ran over to Sparkblast, telling her how his first day as an apprentice went.

"So how was it? You finally know how hard it is to have an apprentice?" Yellowstone asked, her yellow tabby coat glowing.

Cursedfire looked over at her, his tail wrapping around his paws. Yellowstone was one of the oldest warriors along with her sister, Scorchingfire. They were both half Treeclan but they wanted to be with their father so they came to Fireclan. Cursedfire wouldn't be surprised if they both went to the elder's den in the next few moons. The elder's den would never be quiet though. Yellowstone and Scorchingfire have never gotten along and fight every time they're together. Ashblade has a hard time because they can't be together on patrols.

"Yes, I'm exhausted." Cursedfire laid on the ground, stretching, making Yellowstone purr in amusement.

"I know how you feel, I felt like that when I apprenticed Bonfire. I had just become a warrior not long before she became my apprentice. Some of our clanmates didn't really like that I was getting an apprentice when I'm half Treeclan." Yellowstone meowed, her tail swaying from side to side.

Cursedfire nodded in understanding, purring. He got up, licked her ear, and walked over to the warrior's den. The gathering was at the next moon high and Cursedfire was excited to see Halfpelt. 

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