Chapter 20

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Another moon passed quickly. Cursedfire and Halfpelt had met up many times in that moon, and they were never caught. Blackpaw was getting better at hunting and Cursedfire thought it was time he started to learn battle moves. Lionkit, Foxkit, and Carmelkit only have three moons left until they're apprentices. Every cat knows Lionkit will be a medicine cat apprentice. Yellowstone and Scorchingfire had moved to the elder's den along with Hethermoth and Heatwave. Emberstar didn't leave his den that much anymore, making Cursedfire and Ashblade worry. Cursedfire was about to walk to the apprentice den to get Blackpaw when he felt fangs bite into his tail.

"I got it! I got it!" A familiar voice squeaked.

Cursedfire turned his head, looking down at Pixiekit, who had a hold of his tail. Leokit stared at his sister, sighing. Pixiekit and Leokit are the daughter and son of Blazefang and Flaremist. Pixiekit was a feisty beautiful she-cat who was always positive. She had a light gray pelt with a dark tail, dark spots on her back and shoulders, and big blue eyes. Leokit, however, was a dark gray tom, with black paws and the tip of his tail was black. He had small black spots on his face, with yellow eyes. He didn't like getting in trouble and often would cower away from things. Pixiekit noticed Cursedfire looking down at her and quickly moved away from his tail.

"Hello, Cursedfire! Are you going to the apprentice den to get Blackpaw?" Pixiekit asked, jumping up and down.

"Yes, indeed I am. And shouldn't you two be with your mother?" Cursedfire asked, glancing at the nursery.

"Flaremist said we can roam around for a bit if we stay close! We aren't breaking any rules!" Leokit squeaked out, instantly regretting it once Cursedfire looked over at him.

Cursedfire nodded, understanding. Leokit relaxed once he knew he wasn't in trouble. Before Cursedfire could say anything, a loud wail echoed around the clearing. Cursedfire instantly snapped his head towards the sound, his heart pounding. Ashblade had heard it too and was running towards the elder's den. Cursedfire began running after him, his fears rising inside of him.

"Stay there!" Cursedfire called to Pixiekit and Leokit so they wouldn't follow him.

Cursedfire ran into the elder's den after Ashblade, stopping as he saw Patchfoot's body laying in her nest, her flank rising very slowly. Cracklecoat, Patchfoot's sister and Ashblade's mate, stood over her, her eyes filled with despair. Ashblade, Hethermoth at his side, was trying to soothe Cracklecoat's cries, nuzzling her flank.

"Some cat get Smokecloud and Emberstar, quickly!" Scorchingfire hissed, looking at the cats around her.

Cursedfire nodded his head, running out of the den. He ran as quickly as he could to the medicine den. Before he slipped inside he looked over at Blackpaw, who had stepped out of the apprentice den.

"Blackpaw, I need you to fetch Emberstar, quickly!" Cursedfire called urgently.

Blackpaw looked over at his mentor, nodding his head. He quickly ran to the leader's den. Cursedfire pushed his head inside the medicine den, not seeing Smokecloud anywhere. Cursedfire growled to himself and turned around, spotting Smokecloud trotting back into camp, herbs in his mouth. Cursedfire had gotten better at spotting things with one eye. The old medicine cat spotted Cursedfire, worry filling his eyes. Cursedfire ran over instantly.

"Smokecloud, it's Patchfoot, somethings wrong!" Cursedfire meowed, his heart aching as he saw pain shoot through Smokecloud's eyes.

Smokecloud quickly ran to his den, grabbing some herbs that could maybe help. As he and Cursedfire ran to the elder's den, Emberstar ran after them, gray hairs spread across his muzzle. Smokecloud pushed his way through the elders, looking down at Patchfoot.

The Fire Prophecy/Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora