The train booth (1)

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Ok, my arms hurt. Why is the trunk so freaking heavy?! I dragged the damn thing across the floor while making sure my kitten, Dragon, doesn't fall out of my bag. How is this trunk actually something I needed to bring to this godforsaken school?  I hurriedly look through the train compartments and spot a seemingly empty train booth.

I reached out to the door nob and pulled the door open. I spotted two girls, they seem too identical but had different features. One of them has glasses. The glasses girl has longer hair than the other. The other girl has bangs and shoulder-length hair. She meets my eyes. Probably spotting the large trunk I was holding. My backpack was slung over my back.

"Come in. Let me help you with that." She walked over and dragged my heavy trunk into the compartment. She pushed it under the seats. I sat on the seat before them. Not wanting to encroach on  their space .Dragon stepped out of my bag and met the glasses girl.

"Aww, she's so cute! What's her name?" She grins as she pets my kitten in soothing circles. "Her name is Dragon." I smiled to myself. For some reason, I felt at ease with these two. Sensing my interest, the girl who dragged my trunk in started introducing herself. "My name is Morgan, this is my sister, Melody." She waves hello. I sit back and observe them. Morgan has a green sweater vest on with a white collared shirt and brown skirt. Melody is wearing a blue hoodie with a white dress. I only had a large green hoodie that my mom gifted me, paired with plaid slacks. Not to mention the cap that's partially covering my eyes.

I trust these people. I have no idea why. But I do. "My name is Y/n Potter." Morgan nodded. She doesn't seem like she cared about who my brother is. Which, thank god. Because I've been asked too many questions about the guy. And I haven't even seen his face.

"Your brother was beyond the moon when he found out about you. Maybe you should try to find him." Melody suggested. I looked down. Scanning the edges of my beat up black converse shoes. I'm not sure about that. He's a good person, I can gather that from his letters. But me? I'm not so sure. The uneasy pit in my chest starts deepening. My heart couldn't bother to slow down. It hasn't slowed down in a long time. He's my brother, so why do I have crippling anxiety about our meetup?

"What if he's disappointed?" I meekly muttered out. But Morgan interrupted my spiraling thoughts with a certain look. "No, he won't. He really was excited to meet you. He never failed to write back." I nodded. That is true,  but I still felt this uneasy pit in my chest deepening. "I'll catch up to him later. I want to get to know you two!" I grinned. Trying to shift their attention from my shitty self-esteem. They both looked at each other.


"Ok, so Slytherin is the clever ones, Gryfindor the brave ones, Hufflepuff the loving ones, and Ravenclaws, the smart ones." I recounted. Morgan nodded.

"To be clear, Slytherins are the backstabbers, Gryffindors are the self-righteous pricks, Ravenclaws are the smartasses and Hufflepuffs are soft." Melody joked. Morgan elbowed her, shooting her a dismayed look. Melody just poked her tongue out in defiance. I loved seeing their dynamic. I wonder if me and Harry will end up like that. I hope so.

"I bet Harry won't want to be near me if I get into Slytherin." I looked away. He has complained about a certain Slytherin boy in his letters. What if he hates me as much, or even more than him?

"Oh, a bet you say?" Melody grinned.  Rubbing her hands together. "No, no Melody." Morgan warned. Fully concerned about her sister's gambling addiction. It seems like she's used to Melody striking up bets.
"Aw c'mon, it's harmless! Besides, it's an easy win! Harry is too family-oriented to give you up. I bet you a chocolate frog!" I nodded. I was hungry anyway. I looked at the trolley witch but I haven't received my galleons yet. "Deal."


I was jolted awake by Melody. The train arrived at Hogsmeade. I don't know how long I was out but I was greeted by a bustling train platform that peaked out of the windows.  Before I can reach out for my trunk and backpack, Melody and Morgan already held my items. Morgan decided to drag my trunk along and Melody was wearing two backpacks. One for me and one for herself.

So I awkwardly followed them to the door, holding nothing but Dragon.

Before we all piled out, I took out a small polaroid camera. "Wait, guys!" I set the polaroid camera on a timer. and put it on the windowsill facing me and the twins. I threw my arms around their shoulders and shouted:



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