- Kisses -

552 12 10

Warnings: LORE SPOILERS!!, Slight cursing

It wasn't uncommon for you and void to not meet too often.
Considering his job and main interest, you had no choice but to accept it if you wanted to keep dating him.
Of course, with that, being touch-starved.

Sighing (Y/N) was in the kitchen, making some tea for their boyfriend and coffee for themselves.
It didn't take long, but the young adult was already stomping their feet and looking continously at the coffee maker.
¬ How much longer..? ¬ they were pretty frustrated. Today, them and the detective have gone into a bit of a fight.. and it was about his job.
Finally, they got too impatient so the tea went first.
(Y/N) knocked into theirs boyfriend office room and without a word they went inside, got the tea down and just started going out when.. the detective just started to film again.

Now, they started to get real mad, thinking about how the detective ignored them even then..

".                                                               ."

¬ We uh, we need to talk. ¬ the trembling voice of (Y/N) traveled across the room, while Simon was just preparing the camera for his video.
- Oh, sure. What is it? - he didn't even look at his partner, right across him, while looking at the camera.

The young adult only sighed and again, started speaking while getting closer to him.
¬ I gave it a lot of thought, of course, I know how important to you is your work but.. Simon.. I feel.. Unwanted. ¬
The detective only looked at them, starting to straighten up a little bit.
Finally, he made a 'tsk' with his tongue and sighed.
- (Y/N). You KNEW, what you were signing up for. - Oh, now he seems really pissed..
¬ I know, but- ¬
- There are no 'buts'! I felt as If you would understand.. What would you do If your sister went missing? -
The detective was even more frustrated, and (Y/N) felt a bit.. disturbed, no.. A lot more disturbed.
¬ W.. We're not talking about that, Simon! You also "signed" up for this relationship and- ¬

- NO I DIDN'T. -


There was a longer pause before (Y/N) felt as If they were lifted off the ground, while tears started to sting in their eyes.
How could he..
They only gulped, while the glaring man started to feel a lot of guilt but.. He decided to not go after his partner after they ran out of the room.

".                                                               ."

Now, two hours have passed after the detective's filming.
He changed into a white t-shirt with some logo on it, and of course, got some shorts on.
He walked out of the bedroom and started heading to the living room where his lover was.
While looking at them, he noticed those puffy eyes.. recognizing the sadness in their eyes almost immediately when they turned for barely 3 seconds, and then turned back to the tv.

The detective looked at them sadly, and then got on the couch right beside them..
Starting to touch their waist a bit.
Of course, the (H/C) immediately shrugged his hand off and furrowed their eyebrows.
¬ Simon, no. ¬ with a sigh, he took of his mask, and that was what bought attention to the other lover.
- I want you to know.. I'm serious about this. - The brown-haired man grabbed their hand, and with his glowing eyes, looked at them with a lot of passion.
-... and I'm sorry. - it wasn't often that the detective was apologising.
(Y/N) smiled a bit and just hugged him..
¬ It's okay. Just.. Maybe at least eat dinner with me? ¬ they giggled both, and kissed at the same time while landing on the couches pillows.
The detective started hungrily kissing his partners neck, while (Y/N) put their hand on his head and giggled again.
¬ Mm.. Simooon~! ¬ and they laughed again.

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