Reader Insighg Needed + Announcement

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Long time no see 😂
It's been a chaotic shit show getting everything in order. It's not just writing a book and editing it. There's sooo many details to figure out the first time around. Like making a fb banner of all silly things to have to think about and how early does the transcript need to be uploaded prior to publishing on Amazon. Or figuring out how to get page breakers.

It's a lot. I still haven't figured it all out and I fully expect some of it will have to just be winged until the next time around.

So I need a few opinions from you guys. I'm working on designing the fb page tonight and my mom says I just HAVE to name you guys 🤣🤣🤣.
This led to an hour long debate where I said " Fuck it, they're my little toadstools."

Thoughts on being called a Toadstool?

I've actually had a sort of idea how I want to design the whole 'brand'. My email for my writing is
Because of my bio poem pretty much talking about being the creator of nonsense, etc. Eventually I'll be hiring an artist to do a few cute art pieces for everything including a mailbox sort of emblem.

Secondly, I was wondering if any of you have experience with being a beta reader or arc readers and if you had any insight into how those authors went about it.

Thirdly, I wanted to know what you all thought of the page name: Brooke Butler's Reader Wonderland for a page.

If you haven't noticed I'm a self conscious, anxious mess by nature and second guess everything lol

I appreciate anything you guys can give me to help honestly.

As for the announcement part of this:

I'm aiming for Et Lilium to be published on August 26. And Lullaby a week or so later, but that's not concrete just yet.

And within the next week I'll be posting another announcement for my Facebook group page and I'd be so thankful and happy if you guys would join me on there. I have failure's anxiety hardcore and talk myself out of throwing in the towel every morning lately lol so just knowing you guys are still here and still wanting to read my work would mean the world to me.

Finally, here's the plans for Wattpad. After the first books are published I'll be taking a very small break to recoop and then will be attacking my books on here. The goal is to finish the first book section on 2.0, game sync life, and at least most of dollhouse before the next two publishings. Ideally, I'll finish both series by the end of next year and have everything but Atlantis and 2.0 complete. However I've been known to underestimate things and it bites me in the ass later. Just wanted you guys to know that despite my long hiatus I've not given up on ANY of my works on here.

I love you all 🖤🖤🖤

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