IV: Fiat justitia ruat caelum

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A/N: whew i have pre-made chapters actually i'm just waiting for my beta reader to come back from camp so updates are a little slower but anyways


Blaze looked through the glass wall separating him and the man meditating before him in a room full of surveillance contraptions.

Sai sat up on his bed with his eyes closed. A handcuff chained his hand to the bed railing, and tubes of medicine were attached to his body. His prosthetic arm lays on the side table, the surface gleaming gold.

Blaze never knew whether he was meditating or sleeping, but looking at him in this condition felt so... cold.

Oftendays the lone elemental would pace and hang around the room, twirling and playing with the green shield entrusted to him for safekeeping. The very shield that caused this.

That certain part of the corridor was so frequented by him that his marks were everywhere. The burnt walls, chipped paint on the bench, and little trinkets littered the floor.

It has been approximately a month since the man in the room last woken up.

Blaze was lying on the floor reflecting the sunlight off the shield when the corridor darkens. Fang appeared with an unconscious Boboiboy in his arms, and Blaze stood up immediately.

After leaning him to the wall facing the confinement room, he looks at Blaze with eyes that have seen something he shouldn't. He then gestured to the blinding sunlight through the window that's slowly engulfing the sky.

Blaze had understood. It is now time to do his part. He turns into a ball of fire and cruises through the empty corridor.

Amidst the silent exchange, a gush of flames was reflected upon the viewing glass, making the bedridden man twitch.


Solaris is back.

Two pairs of wings almost entirely covers the opening in the hangar. Shards of gold emit from the feathers, and waves of radioactive rage burns the air.

In the center is the long lost sun deity, known by many names; Sūrya, Helios, Ra, day-star, Solaris. Their eyes shine through the glowing visor. They are now conscious, and they are not happy.

They strike the airships, and some barely escape while others are obliterated to dust.

"Unleash the chains!" Maskmana orders immediately.

Lead chains shoot forward, restraining his arms. It tried to drag him down, but he mutters an inaudible chant and the chains' base broke from the ship. Instead, he flew down himself, wings folding in to fit into the small opening created by Hali. Soldiers scramble backwards into the shadows where the light doesn't touch.

"Sed haec hactenus," his voice booms through space. His gaze sweeps over everyone, and doesn't even pause on Hali.

He doesn't recognize anyone in this state. Resurrecting an ancient being will only wake up the rest of their identities. The sun deity in itself only recognizes the scale of justice, and the people in front of him seem to have weight a little too much on the left.

Halilintar had known his captors would be distracted. Waking up an ancient being was a last resort to let him escape, but it would also cloud Solar's mind with all the identities the mortals had worshiped him with.

But most important of all, the sun deity does not possess humanity.

Halilintar needed to interfere and led him away from here.

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