Chapter 1

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Optimus p.o.v

It has been an earth year since we arrived. We had already had a human help us hide. His name is agent william fowler. He keeps our secret safe.

I was just exploring the little town close to the base. I had made a human holographic formation out. Holoform for short. Is was so that i do not cause any one to be suspicious. I was on my way back when i heared whimpering in an alley. I had my holoform get out and search the cause.

Underneath a blanket was a human sparkling. It seemed to be scared. I tried to calm it down.

"Shhh, it is alright. I will not harm you. Can you tell me your designation and how old you are?" I saw it was still scared but it still spoke.

"My name zena, me 1 year." I could tell it had a strong vocabulary for a human sparkling. According to my research, human sparklings usually start speaking fully at 3 years of age. It all depends. But this sparkling, it had no parental units.

"Me girl, not it." Did she just read my processor? Impossible, she is a human.

"Me special, people afraid of me. Zena is alone in world, no mommy or daddy. Got lost." I didn't know what this to do with this sparkling, so i did the only thing i thought of. Take her with me back to base.

"Zena, would you like to come back with me?" She nodded and i picked her and put her in my alt form. It was a red and blue peterbilt semi truck.

When we arrived at the base i had zena get out but still hide. When i transformed to my bipedal mode she hid behind my left ped. She wasn't scared of me.

"Optimus! Where have you been?!" I heared ratchet call out coming from the halls.

"I was out exploring the town a bit. Since we hardly go out i decided to use a holoform as a desguise." I saw he was still teying to belive me. I saw him sniff the air, he is a medic after all.

"You have a human with you." He saw zena hidding and grabbed her.

"Oh no, this is much worse. A human sparkling. You brought back a human sparkling. Optimus, i know you researched about humans. But human sparklings require much more attention and they need food and water. Do you have the means to provide all that?" I just kept looking at zena.

"No, but i am willing to do all that i can to raise her. She has no parental units and to leave her in that place called an orphanage is just not right. I wish to riase her." He set her down and continued to lecture me.

Zena p.o.v

Big bot seemed mean yelling at saviour. He set me down and i sniffed food. A rat was in base. I went to search for my food.

Optimus p.o.v

After ratchet told me about what human sparklings need, i saw zena walk to the entrance of the many passages of halls. She could get lost.

"Zena, where are you going?" She turned around. She had shkrt black curly hair. Blue optics, err, eyes and the swwetest smile.

"Going to catch food." I thought humans ate things they buy.

I followed zena and what i saw was outstanding, she can hunt her own food. But she ended up eating a vermin called a rat.

"Like zena said. I am special, i am a dragon." I saw horns appear at the top of her head and wings spresd from her back.

"Baby dragons can eat rats. It kept zena going." She was truly remarkable. A few days later i got a job at a human place. It was called a hair salon. People go there to get hair cuts. I learned pretty fats and after a few weeks i earned my first pay.

I was able to buy zena something else to wear. She looked so cute. The other bots don't know about what i do. 4 years later zena wanted to learn how to fly. She was already 5 years old. She called me 'dad' for some reason. I guess she saw me as a father to her.

"Alright zena, just spread your wings and flap them up and down." I held her hands. She was still small, but she tried and tried until she was up in the air. At least a 2 feet.

"Now i am going to let go. Trust me, i know you can do this." I let her go and she flew higher. She started to soar and fly up to the clouds. She would disappear on them and then appear.

"I'm flying dad! Look at me!" I smiled and chuckled a little.

"Yes, yes you are. Now come down, we have to get you dinner." I taught zena how to hunt properly. We would go into the forset and she would catch small prey. Rabbits, mice, rats, baby deer, or small critters. Now she wanted to catch a full grown animal.

"Alright zena, remember what i taught you. You must lay low and not make to much noise." I whispered to her. She wanted to catch an adult male deer.

Zena p.o.v

I was ready to pounce on my prey. I leaped from the shadows, but it got away. I flew in the air and caughtup to it. I killed my very first adult animal. Yay me!

I chomped at the neck and it slowly went into unconsciousness.

"Did you see that dad? I caught my very first full grown deer!" For a five year old, i was pretty strong. I grabbed the deer by the horns and dragged it back to base.

It was a good thing nobody was around. I took the deer to my room and ate it. After that i cleaned up the blood tracing that it left.

"I am very proud of you zena. It appears as though you are almost just yesterday you barely came into the base for the very first time." I went tk hug my dad. I know he is not my real father, but he acts like one to me. He protects me from harm and shows me right from wrong.

Dad is even teaching me cybertronian. That is what he is, an alien robot from another planet. He is teaching me the culture, language and the history of it all. Until he told me i was to go to the human school. I was sort of excited, i might make new friends, learn more human stuff.

"Zena, are you ready?" I heared ratchet say from the main room. He is like my uncle. So is aunt arcee, uncle bulkhead, and bumblbee is like a BIG brother to me.

"Yes uncle ratchet. I have my pencils, pens, notebooks, crayons, saftey scissors, and my first aid kit just in case." Since uncle ratchet is a medic he always want me to keep a first aid kit with me at all times.

"Do you have your braclet?" Oh, i have a braclet that helps me control my anger issues. If i ever get angry it will turn black and give me a little shock as a warning to calm down. I showed him that i had it on.

For my fisrt day of kindergarten i wore navy blue jeans, camo sneackers, a blue t-shirt, and a red jacket. I always have a communicator with me at all times. It is also a way to locate me in case i get kidnapped or lost.

"I am ready to learn." My dad transformed and opened his door for me. He brought out his holoform out, he told me it is so people won't think the car is haunted.

"Are you nervous?" I think the nervous one was my dad. Makes sense, he didn't want to let his little girl go.

"Dad i think you are the nervous one here. I know it is hard for you to let me go to a public human school, but you know i have my communicator with me at all times." He relaxed a bit, but i still felt him stiff.

"I'm sorry, it's just i don't want you to get hurt." We arrived at the school, and i felt my dad tighten my seat belt.

"Dad, you know that i am strong, and i can protect myself. But i know you will always be there for me when i am in trouble." I gave his holoform a hug. And he undid my seat belt.

"I love you daddy."i felt him get tense.

"I-I love you too zena. You'd better go, i don't want you to be late for class." I got off, and went to my classes, but not before turning around and giving my dad the 'i love you' sign. He returned the feeling and he left.

I went inside and got a little nervous, but i knew what to do. Don't run from fear, face it like a boss.

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