Chapter 5

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Zena p.o.v

It has been 2 years since magnus made me go to the south pole. A prank is good when harmless, but his prank was dangerous and he was the only one laughing. Jokes are fun when everyone is laughing, even the one who got pranked.

When i was cleaning my dad he said it was pretty funny how he got pranked, he just didn't want to do it infront of the others.

I was practicing with my powers when i heared a cannon warming up.

"I will rid iptimus from you once and for all." It was ultra magnus. Why would he want to kill me. He shot at me but i blocked it with my powers. I made a force field around me. He came down and tried to punch it off.

"You think this will hold you?!" He shot at it and i went flying back. I quickly got up and flew to raf's house. Thank goodness he was there.

"Zena? What's wrong?" I made myself human so i could fit through the doors.

"Ultra magnus is trying to kill me. He thinks my dad has grown soft because of me." I sat down at the table and greeted Maria, raf's mom.

"Would you like something to eat or drink. I am making shredded meat with vegetables." I told her that if it wouldn't be any trouble. Raf served me some kool aid.

"Rafesito, have you cleaned your room?" He told her that he did. Ha, for a 15 year old he still seemed like a baby to his mother.

"So, zena. What brings you here?" I told her that someone was trying to kill me and that i needed to hide for a bit. She offered me the guest room to stay in while ultra magnus cools down and it is safe for me to go back.

I called my dad and he picked up. I had a flip phone, it was purple.

"Dad, i will be staying with raf for a little while until magnus calms himself."-zena

"What do you mean? Why is magnus after you?"-optimus

"He is after me cuz he wants to kill me. He says he wants to rid you of me. So i will stay here until everything is chill. Alright?"-zena

"Alright, be safe. I will come for you when i deal with magnus." I told him okay and hung up. I knew that magnus was not under megatron's control, so he just probably doesn't like me, like the others do.

I stayed with raf for 3 days. I even learend some customs of them. I would help maria when ever i saw that she needed it, even when she says it is fine.

"Hey zena, when do you think ultra magnus is going to stop hunting you?" I shrugged and said i didn't know. Right now we were eating dinner. Something called verdolagas. They are a type of plant that you cook in green salsa with pork. Raf's mom showed me to make em, they are accompanied by white rice. (If you are hispanic, mexican, or you tried verdolagas. They are so frickin good, though, they only bloom in the summer.)

I heared a knock at the door and excused myself from the table. I have manners, i went to open the door and it was my dad.

"Daddy!" I hugged him, although he didn't hugg back. I wonder why.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter, we must be going now." I sayed goodbye but raf pulled me to the side and whispered something.

"Zena, that's not optimus. I know, cuz when you hug him he huggs back and smiles. He normally has a cheerful attitude when in this form." I know that it wasn't my dad. Yesh, ya think I'm stupid?

"I know it isn't my dad. It is called acting. I will interrogate this imposter." He nodded and i left with my 'dad'.

We stopped somewhere were no one can see us. It is a good thing i always keep my weapons with me. I got out of the car, and so did he.

"Who the fuck are you?" He stared at me blank. He disappeared, a holoform. It turned out to be ultra magnus, how the fuck can he do that?!

"Now i will rid you of the autobots once and for all." He was ready to shoot, but i turned dragon and pinned him down. I spit fire in his face, making him blind for a while.

I flew to the base and i found everyone passing.

"Awww, y'all been worried for me. Cute." They turned to face me.

"ZENA!" Igot surrounded by all of them, except my dad.

"Where's my dad?" Their smiles faded. Oh fuck no.

"Right here." He hand one of his servos on his stomach region.

"Dad! What happened to you?" Ratchet pulled up a video. It was dad and magnus fighting, i saw magnus shoot my dad 3 time in the stomach and then he left.

"When did this happen?" They said it was the same day i left. I told them that he played as my dad and tried to kill me, but i was prepared and blinded him for at least a year. Yep, we won't be able to see for a whole year.

We saw magnus walk him, feeling the wall to make sure he doesn't bump into anything, or anyone. Too bad. I made myself look like my dad and be as tall as him. He bumbped into me.

"O-optimus?" I smiled and made myself sound like him.

"Ultra magnus, for hurting my little zena you will be punished." I changed my slef back and my voice as well.

"Your spark is mine." My hand went through his spark chamber and i grabbed his spark. He fell to the ground.

"Wow, remind me not to mess with your daughter optimus." I laughed at what uncle bulk said. I went up to my dad and waved my hand at his stomach. I healed him. He smiled warmly at me and gave me a hug.

daughter of a primeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora