Chapter 6

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Zena p.o.v

I am now 23 years old. I know what your thinking, 'here, have a beer.' No, i don't drink, and niether does raf. Well, obviously. He and i were in the base figureing out how to prank bulkhead.

"I've got it. We replace his wreckong ball hand thingy with a hammer. Like breakdown's." I sketched the picture in my notebook. Oh yeah, raf is much more mature now and he still has the same hair style. Now he wears a white muscle shirt, a orange squared shirt, navy blue jeans, and some red tennis shoes. The squared shirt sleeves are elbow length.

"That's perfect. We can do it while he is napping. Actually he is right now." A wicked grin was on my face and raf's. We went and put our plan into action, then we sounded a false alarm.

"Bulkhead, the cons are attacking!" He quickly came in the room and got his weapon out.

"What the?" Raf and i bursted out laughing. We stopped and i wiped a tear from my eye from all the laughing. My stomach hurted, i haven't laughed that hard in a while.

I remember the prank we pulled on him on april fools day. We made him think that scraplets were in his room, it was just me with a power tool.

My dad was on a mission and the alarm sounded. He needed help, so everyone left, except us humans. We maintained the fort while they were out. When i turned twenty, ratchet got me a lab kit, i used it to make a formula that will make a human cybertronian. I had it stored in a cooler in my room, yes i have a mini fridge and freezer.

When everyone came back, i heared a voice i thought i never heared, actually i never did hear. It had a bit of a british accent, when i turned around, it was bumblbee.

"Bee? You can talk!" He smiled at me, he usually would only nod, but this smile seemed like i have seen it before.

"Yep. Do you like it?" I had my mouth dropped.

"I-it's incredible, i mean, i never knew you would sound like this. If i weren't your sister and i was cybertronian, i would say it is sexy. And yet, it is." I crossed my arms amusingly.

"Ratchet, we have restored cybertron and is now ready to support life again." Wait, does this mean they are going to leave?! They can't, they can't leave me here alone. I started to cry and i ran to my room, ignoring the calls. I ran in and shut the door.

I then remebered about the formula. I can become one of them and go to cybertron. We will all still be together. I took the vial and drank the formula, i then felt pain in my chest i screamed in pain. Suddenly i let the darkness embrace me.

Optimus p.o.v

When we returned and bumblebee spoke to zena, she was surprised to hear him. It was funny what she said about it.

"Ratchet, we have restored cybertron and is now ready to support life again." He nodded in agreement, i then saw her cry and she ran to her room. Oh no, she must have heared, and if she did, she didn't stay to listen that i was going to say that we have to look for a way in which she can also come along. I do not wish to leave her here. I called out for her but she just kept running.

"Optimus, even if we find a way, how are we going to do it?" I don't know, but i want my little zena to come with us. We then heared a scream, it was zena. Ratchet and i rushed to her room. She must have locked it. I blasted it open, and instead of seeing zena, i saw a femme. She had wings folded on her back. She was black with glowing blue. (Up top)

She was unconscious, ratchet picked her up and took her to the med bay. Which is pretty much in the main room, only in a little corner.

Zena p.o.v

Ow! My head was aching, i gripped my aching head. I looked at my hands, they were metal and with claws. It worked! Haha! I got up, i must have been in the med bay. I heared the others talking.

"Okay, well when she wakes up we will interrogate her. She must have taken zena somewhere." Eesh auntie arcee, interrogating someone is your way of asking questions nicely. I walked out so everyone can see me and arcee took out her guns.

"Alright talk." Woah, take it easy.

"Aunt arcee, you have strange ways of interrogating someone. You first ask nicley, then if they don't tell you, then you can take out the guns. I mean, we have been through this like a million times." I made a duh face, raf came up to me and i knelt down.

"Zena? Is that you?" I gave him a warm smile.

"The one and only. But first.." i grabbed him by his leg and hung him upside down. He deserves it for stealing my chocolate pudding.

"Woah! I get it. I'm sorry i stole your pudding. Can you put me down please." I flipped him over and set him down.

"Zena? How is this possible? Sorry i took my weapons out on you cupcake." Haha, my aunt gave me that nickname when i was little. I told her it was all good. I saw bee and bulkhead staring at me with wide eyes and jaws dropped.

"You like what you see?" I winked at them and put a hand on my hip.

"Zena, you" uh oh, hope my dad didn't hear that. Oops, too late. I saw him walk behind bee and smack him in the back of his head.

"Haha, dad, don't be so cruel. They are just being goof balls. So, whatta ya think?" He smiled at me, as if approving.

"When you left to your room, we were going to discuss a way for you to come with us. But i see now that you have found your own way. Are you ready?" I put a finger on my chin.

"Mmm, let me check somethin." I made a few posses and made it look like i was checking out my own body. I took out my weapons, i had guns. Sweet.

"Yep, all ready." I felt raf tap my leg. I picked him up and set him on the platform.

"So, does this mean i will never see my dragon again?" Aww, he's gonna miss me.

"I will make sure to visit. Take care squirt, and jack! Ask miko out already, be a man." I saw him stiffin and blush. Haha, he has had a crush on miko since he was 17. Which is basically a year since he had met the autobots. He was 16 when he met us.

Ratchet said that he was going to stay, i will miss him. He gave me a few wrenches, he told me that if anyone is to annoy the scarp outta me, to throw a wrench at them.

I was getting ready to go through the ground bridge. When i heared someone call. It was raf.

"Zena!" He came running towards me. He had something in his hand. It was a good thing i still had my magic.

"Here. A little something so you don't forget us." It was a braclet, i made it big enough to fit on my wrist. He helped me tie it. It had a few charms. A beaker for raf, a guitar for miko, and a wheel for jack. He is a mechanic.

"Thanks raf. I will wear it every day." I went through the ground bridge and waved everyone goodbye. At the other end was my new home. It was wotn out and broken, but i know we will fix it.

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