xi. otto her mind

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MAEGYA | xi.

WHEN MAEGYA THEADORA Rhaenerys Valaryen was simply Theadora Martell, she had dreamt of a simple life with the lights of Queens and the sounds of traffic lulling her to sleep each night

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WHEN MAEGYA THEADORA Rhaenerys Valaryen was simply Theadora Martell, she had dreamt of a simple life with the lights of Queens and the sounds of traffic lulling her to sleep each night. Then each morning, she'd pocket the quarters and nickels abandoned on the sidewalks during her commute to school. She would save every dollar and make the grades until her report cards were swathed in A's.

There was no carved rock throne that her ancestors had reigned from, no cosmic stones, and sometimes, no Serafina. There was only a car ride to JFK with a full-ride scholarship to MIT in her back pocket, a modest apartment to share with Rebeca Ortega, and the flags of House Valaryen and Cuba hanging over their window to remind them their blood came from miles away.

If that meant flying Flash Thompson on dragon back to and from school for a month to make sure her friends got to achieve that dream, then she'd stomach his dumb comments and relentless book marketing.

"You want to do what?"

Bex was flabbergasted, knowing very well she often possessed the brain cell between the three of them. She caught bits and pieces of Peter's phone conversation with Flash Thompson, and the half-spoken breakdown relay between Peter and Thea. It was hopeless to try and sway the couple's mind, especially with their blood pumping and their minds at a clear but vague frenzy.

"Look, Flash said the MIT lady's on her way to the airport and if we can get her to change her mind about MJ and Ned, then it's worth a shot," Peter urged. He looked at Thea with a determined sparkle in his eyes and felt his heart flutter when she nodded firmly in agreement.

"I—" Bex stammered, looking between both of her friends before she finally threw her hands up. "Okay, okay! Fine!"

The plan was simple though it was easier said than done. They were in a time crunch so Bex's shot at Columbia would have to be tackled later since Thea and Peter's best chance at getting into college was about to leave New York in a matter of minutes.

"I should probably change my clothes, right?" Peter asked, patting his dark jeans and tugging at his old flannel. "I'm gonna be talking to the vice chancellor of MIT."

"Good point," Bex sighed and looked to Thea. "You okay to teleport or are you gonna hurl on us when we're being shoved through the Quantum Realm?"

"Well, when you say it like that, then sure," replied Thea, unamused.

With her magic horrifyingly unstable after what happened in the Sanctum, Peter decided to swing himself and Thea while Bex flew herself. Besides, he felt better knowing Thea was safe in his arms than anything happening with her using magic now. It felt like old times when the biggest of their problems was a flying man in a bird costume.

Scarcely had they grazed the top of Happy's condominium then Thea "magic-ed" them inside the kitchen, nearly crashing into Serafina who was carrying several steel-clad files.

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