Fugue. (A Mindless Behavior Story.)

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Shakira's POV:

"You have to go. All of you." I said softly, not looking any of them in the eye. They stood 3 feet away from me, side by side, looking at me with confused looks.

"But why?" Chresanto asked.

"Don't make me repeat myself... Go!!" I was beyond paranoid and pissed. Pissed because I didn't know the truth... until today.

"But where would we go?" Jacob asked, sorrow in his tone.

"I don't care where you go, but your not welcome here. Get out. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

5 months earlier...

I walked the 2 blocks home, deep into my thoughts. I hate school so much. Every single person that attends my school should drop dead instantly. They make my life such a living hell. But they aren't going to take away my dignity. 2 more years... just 2 more years until I'm out of that hellhole. But 2 years is such a long time. How am I going to survive this? I wish my life was much more simple, I wouldn't be having these problems. I just wish people can accept me for who I am, and not believe some stupid rumors these dumb girls spread about me. I just want this all to end. When I finally reached my house, I dug into my bag and pulled out my keys. I inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it, unlocking it and walking into the house. Home Sweet Home. I walked into the house and closed the door behind me, and walked to the kitchen, acknowledging the fact that my mother would be in there everyday, either reading her newspaper or preparing dinner. My father doesn't live with us, so it's just me and my mother. His loss though, we're living great, for a single mother and her teenage daughter living in a 2 story house. I entered the dining room to get into the kitchen.

"Mom I'm-" I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw not one... not two nor three... but four random boys sitting at the dining room table, looking like they just badly lost a fight. I just stared at them, and they stared right back, not saying a word. I shook my head and walked past them and entered the kitchen, where I saw my mother filling 4 different plates with food. So she must know these boys? I need some answers.

"Uh mom... who are these people in our house?" She shrugged. What the hell!? She doesn't even know them!

"I found them just walking around. They looked really lost. The only thing they think they remember is their names." I face palmed myself.

"You found them off the street mom!? Have you gone mad!?" She shook her head.

"It's obvious they need help hun, now I want you to make them welcome, I'm letting them stay here for a while." I rolled me eyes.

"How long is 'a while?"

"Until they regain their memory. They remember very few things, but that isn't enough." I sighed out of frustration.

"So they're just going to sit in the house all day for-who knows how long?" I wish I could do that...

"No, they're going to school too." Oh no, please don't tell me...

"They're going to my school too aren't they?" My mother smiled and nodded. "Ugh, my life I swear..." I left out the kitchen and walked upstairs to my room, and threw my stuff down on the bed. I swear, you never know what to expect next. This day just keeps getting better. Peep my sarcasm. I walked back downstairs and into the dining room and sat at the end of the table, away from those strangers. We sat in silence for a good 2 minutes before my mother came into the room, carrying their plates of food, waiter style. After she sat each plate in front of them, they just stared at the table. This is too damn weird.

"So what are your names?" I broke the tension, that still seemed to be floating in the air.

"Uh, I'm Jacob... Well, that's what I was told." The one with the afro finally spoke up.

"Jacob... Okay, do you know your last name?" He shook his head. Well, I should've figured that.

"From what I was told, I'm Raquan." The one with the pigtails said.

"I'm Chresanto, I think." The one with the curly hair answered.

"And I'm Craig." The boy with the Mohawk replied. I folded my arms and sat back in my chair.

"And none of you know your last names or anything else?" I asked after they introduced themselves. They all simultaneously shook their heads.

"Wait, boys, who told you your names?"

"This big bald guy with a bushy black beard and dark skin." Jacob answered.

"Okay, can you tell me everything that happened?"

"From what I remember, I was on the floor. I opened my eyes, and everything was blurry. It took a while before I could actually see. When I stood up and looked around, I saw Chresanto on the floor behind me unconscious. I shook him until he woke up and he looked at me strangely. He asked me who I was, but I couldn't give him an answer because I didn't even know. I told him to follow me, and we walked straight ahead, climbing over a few things until we approached two more boys... Raquan and Craig. They asked who we were and we both shrugged. They didn't know themselves either. It was... weird. So we walked straight ahead until we approached this guy with a black beard, with no hair and dark skin. He had some red stuff dripping from his forehead, and he could barely speak. He told us our names and told us to run. We questioned him, but he just told us to get away from here and get help. We didn't even know where the door was, until he pointed out that we had to climb out, because the door was over our heads. After we helped each other climb out, we ran through the woods for a while, until we saw a street. We had no idea where we were or where we were going, so we just walked along the side of the street for a while, until we were stopped by you. And you helped us." Jacob finished telling his story. I was so... Shocked. He lost his whole memory, and he doesn't even remember a single thing past this traumatic event. I felt sort of... Sorry for them. He glanced at me and looked down at the table along with the other three. I can tell they feel a bit awkward, and they have a lot to recover from.

"I'm sorry you boys had to go through that. I wish we could help you, but it takes time before you all will start to gain more memories. I'm gonna go upstairs, if you need me call me." They each nodded.

"Thanks Ms. Ventura." They said softly before she walked out of the room. It became really awkward between the 5 of us. They wouldn't even eat, they just stared at the plates of food. I read confusion and frustration all over their faces. Confused because they had no idea what was going on, and frustration because they can't remember a single thing past the accident. I sighed and walked upstairs. I guess I have to get used to them living here now.

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