Not a Good Start.

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After I had finished eating dinner, I took a quick shower and changed into some sweats and a tank top and put my long black hair into a messy bun. After I relaxed myself, I walked downstairs to check on the boys. To my surprise, they weren't there. I walked past my mothers room, but she wasn't there either. I wonder where everyone went. I heard soft laughter coming from the kitchen, so I decided to check it out. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Jacob, standing next to my mother by the sink, Chresanto sitting on the countertop, Craig putting plates into the cabinet, and Ray sitting in a chair by them. They were actually... smiling. And... laughing. They all bonded pretty quickly. I cleared my throat loud enough to get their attention. They drew their attention to me, and all their smiles left from their faces, except my mother.

"Uh, mom, what's going on in here?" I asked, sounding kind of obnoxious.

"Nothing sweety, I was just telling them a funny story." I raised an eyebrow at her and folded my arms.

"A funny story huh?"

"Well, they seemed to enjoy my stories."

"I see that." I couldn't help but to feel a bit jealous at the moment. Each of the boys looked down and didn't say a word. So my mother took the liberty to break the awkward tension again.

"Uh, why don't you boys go upstairs and get yourselves cleaned up. I'll be up in a minute to give you something to wear for the night." My mother ordered. They each nodded and walked past me to exit the room. I rolled my eyes as they did so, and silence filled the room. "Why do you have to behave like this?" She asked me. Maybe it's because she's acting like these boys she found off the street are her sons.

"You barely know them, and you're acting like they're family." She dropped the dishes and turned towards me and gave me her serious look.

"Look Kira, they need a motherly figure. Did you not here what they just went through? They obviously need someone to be there for them, so that's exactly what I'm doing. Whether you like it or not, they're staying here until they get better. So I suggest you get that attitude out of your system and make them feel welcome. You're only making them feel worse." She turned back to the sink and continued what she was doing. "Now go give them the clothes I left for them on my bed, and no attitude this time." I scoffed and walked out of the kitchen. This isn't fair at all. Now I have to act like their damn servant. I walked upstairs and grabbed the clothes off of her bed, and proceeded towards the guest room. I reached out to open the door, but I stopped myself when I heard my name pop up in a conversation. What are they saying about me? I put my ear against the door to listen.

"Why does Shakira hate us so much?"

"Who knows... she's a girl, they always find reasons to be mad."

"It's not like we did anything wrong to her."

"That's because we didn't."

"We didn't?"

"Duh, have any of us said a word to her?" There was a moment of silence.


Fugue. (An MB Story.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz