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Yea guys, I know Raquan isn't Ray's real name. But eh, who cares, stop teasing me about it D: Okay carry on :P


Shakira's POV:

Once I walked into my house I sighed. Finally, I'm back home after another long day of hell. I walked to the kitchen first, figuring my mother would be there, but surprisingly she wasn't. Hmm... That's a first. I walked upstairs and went inside her room. Not here either. I walked back downstairs and looked around.

"Mom!?!" I yelled, listening to my voice echo through the silence. Wow, she's actually not here. I wonder if the boys are still here. I walked back upstairs and the guest room was wide open. I walked inside and examined the room. No sign of them either. A smile spread across my face. Maybe she left to take them to some adoption center or something! Maybe they're... Gone. Maybe they're gone. Maybe they're gone!

"Yes!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air, and leaving the guest room. I'm praying that they never come back. That would make this day escalate. I walked into my room and threw my bag on the bed. I sat down on my bed and a text from Daniel popped up on my screen of my phone. I smiled to myself and read the text:

Danny:P: Kira I'm bored come over pleaaaaaase???? :(

I laughed at my phone. Daniel an I had been best friends since the 3rd grade, after I punched him in the eye for stealing my snack. Ever since then we've been so close. He's practically my brother.

Kira<3: I can't, my mother isn't even here. -.-

Danny:P: Boo Hoo. You know she doesn't care, I'm the son she wants To have. Ms. Ventura loves me :)

Kira<3: Lol. Not anymore...

Danny:P: Uhh... Excuse you... I am >:P

Kira<3: No! Those 4 street bums are. -.-

Danny:P: Oh heeeeeell naaw who I gotta fight this time!?

Kira<3: Lol this is why I love you. <3 But I forgot to tell you today. My mother found these 4 boys off the street. Now they're supposedly her 'sons' now. >:(

Danny:P: That sounds kinda... Odd. And... Dangerous.

Kira<3: Lol dangerous? Please, they're as dumb as a rock, and as weak as a pencil. Besides, they don't even talk to me... They talk about me though. -.-

Danny:P: Oh shit, do I gotta come over and knock some sense into 4 little boys?

Kira<3: Oh please. One little punch will make them cry. I don't think you need to be involved. I can handle them myself. Plus, I think they're gone!

Danny:P: Oh so little miss Kira got lucky I see lol. Well I gotta go. my mothers nagging. Later buddy :P <3

Kira<3: Ttyl Danny <3

I put my phone down and walked back downstairs. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my mother walk in laughing... With the 4 street boys. And they were actually dressed... Nice. They were each carrying a bunch of shopping bags from some of the most expensive stores in town. I felt a jolt of jealousy strike. My mother only took me to those stores once! That's so not fair. I glared at them once they walked in. I expected their smiles to fade away like they usually would, but instead they said hi to me, smiling, and walked past me, continuing their stupid conversation. How dare they have the audacity to talk to me. They must have some nerve. I looked at my mom, who was in a really great mood.

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