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Daniel consoled me in the hallway, away from those two assholes. I was way past pissed, but Daniel calmed me down a bit. It's a good thing he stopped me before I did anything reckless.

"Kira, you good now?" I inhaled and exhaled deeply before nodding my head.

"Yea, I'm fine. Good thing you were there."

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Let them get to your head like that? I've never seen you so red before." He chuckled a bit. "Why don't you just ignore them?" That's a good question...

"I... I don't know. They just irritate me to no end."

"What exactly do they do to you that gets you so upset?"

"Danny, just their appearance bothers me."

"But why?"

"Ever since they got to the house they act like they've lived there forever! And it's only been two days! TWO DAYS DANIEL! They've taken my bathroom, my freedom, and my place as my mothers child! Everything's all about them now! You don't understand how much that bothers me... My mother always has her attention drawn to them! The only time my mother talks to me is when she wants me to give them something, or do something for them... She buys all of these nice things for them, and checks up on them every few minutes. It's not fair! It just isn't fair!" At this point, I was fuming. All I wanted to do was break stuff, but Daniel pulled me into a much needed embrace. Right now, he's the only person in this world that makes me feel wanted.

Chresanto's POV:

I walked through the hallways with Craig in search of Shakira. Where could she have gone? She wasn't in any of our classes. At this point, I gave up on looking for her. She doesn't give a shit about us anyways, so why should I be looking for her.

"I'm not looking for her anymore, she can handle herself." I told Craig.

"That may be true, but we still need her."

"Why would WE need HER?"

"Well for starters, we don't know the way home..." I forgot about that.

"That's true..."

"Exactly, so we might as well keep-" Craig stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Yelling. I hear someone yelling." He creeped over to the corner and looked down the next hall, so I followed behind him and looked. It looked like Shakira, screaming at that boy she was with earlier. She started talking about some boys and her mother. I'm assuming she was talking about us. After her constant rambling that boy she was with earlier hugged her to calm her down. I didn't realize how bad she had it. That still gives her no right to treat us so coldly because of how Ms. Ventura treats us. I rolled my eyes and walked away from that little scene. All her bull is still a lame excuse.

When Craig and I arrived to the cafeteria, I peeped Jacob and Ray sitting at a table with these 4 girls. We approached them and sat at the table with them, and two of the girls immediately came onto us.

"Found Shakira?" Ray asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea. She's yelling at that guy in the hallway."

"Damn she's still mad about that?" Jacob said, looking at Ray. I raised an eyebrow.

"About What?"

"I unintentionally called her a bitch. And she was about to hit me, but that guy took her away."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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