Chapter One

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7th, December 1941

Pearl Harbour Base

A lone figure stood there in the distance monologuing to themself. 

???: “War, war never changes no matter what Era.”

The age of discovery came first. Humanity set sail into the oceans with adventure in their hearts. Yet, those hearts were filled by a different desire. The desire to conquer the seas. However, that was when the true enemy of humanity appeared from outside the world.

It wasn't themselves and it wasn't something they could see coming. The Sirens, as they were called, arrived without warning in a fiery inferno.

With their vastly superior technologies, the sirens easily pushed humanity out of the oceans. There was no longer any place in the seas for mankind and with barely effective weaponry, humanity almost lost hope of ever fighting back. 

To counter this unprecedented threat, humanity organized an alliance named Azur Lane, a coalition of factions unbound by pasts and pride. Together, they fought valiantly against the sirens and stood in the frontline. They pushed back against the siren armada with great efficiency.

Central to the formation of this grand alliance were the four major camps. Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Iron Blood, and Sakura Empire. After a desperate struggle, the Azur lane coalition finally repelled the siren onslaught and the time passed with victory after victory.

We find ourselves in the waters adjacent to the Eagle Union homeland. A new naval base aimed to be the main operation base of a new front.

A nun walked up to a person wearing an admiral jacket and an admiral hat. This was the repair ship, Vestal.

Vestal: All ready to depart? This could be a major battle. Please be careful and don’t get hurt.

???: There is only one thing we must learn from history.

This was the aircraft carrier, USS Enterprise, the strongest and most awarded carrier in all of Eagle Union.


*Newly constructed Azur Lane Base*

The light cruiser, USS Cleveland was walking across the port, looking for something to do in all the commotion. 

Cleveland: Wow, it's gotten really exciting around here!

The Battleship, HMS Prince of Wales, walked up to her with a smile. The two had been friends and she had to organise the commotion of the current day.

Wales: Forces from both Eagle Union and Royal Navy are gathering at this base.

???: Welcome! Take a look at our bunny-riff flowers!

Wales: It's only going to get busier from here on.

Cleveland: You know who else is coming from my side? It's Eagle Union's greatest warrior, given the most battle stars ever!

Wales: Ah, you mean the famous Grey Ghost, yes. The main forces of the US and Royal Navy are also arriving soon. This base will surely become central to all of our ongoing activities.

Cleveland: Well then, we better greet them properly! Can’t keep them waiting. Let's go! Come on, hurry!

Wales: Don't rush me.

As Cleveland and Wales chat, a mysterious person wearing a cloak walks past them. Suddenly a gust of wind blows and the cloak blows open to reveal Ayanami. 

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