Chapter 2

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We are weapons, shaped like humans.

The Mental Cube. An unknown crystal substance brought by humanity through the battle against  the Sirens. The Mental Cubes are the basis on which we are created, imbued with the power to fight the Sirens. That power is the power of ships. The power to conquer the seas and defeat the Sirens. It is with this power that humanity reclaimed the seas. But, in pursuit of even more power, humanity split in two. The Red Axis, an alliance formed by the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood desire to take on the power of the Sirens. They raised a rebellion against the Azur Lane. Even when facing a common threat, The Sirens, conflict between human factions continues. Yes, war, war never changes, regardless of era.

Multiple manjuu’s are rescuing injured shipgirls around the docks, most ships were badly damaged or half submerged in the water while the rest were afloat.

Wales: They got us. I didn't expect the Sakura Empire to make the first move.

Illustrious: Sakura Empire allying Iron Blood was no surprise. But… 

The damaged and half sunken Siren ships disappear without a trace.

Wales: Are they aware of how dangerous the power of the Sirens is?

Illustrious: Let’s focus on rebuilding as fast as possible. The main forces of the Royal Navy should arrive soon. We will never be caught off guard again.

Wales: Eagle Union’s Enterprise and those 3…. They truly saved us this time.

Illustrious: Yes. But she is unsafe.

Wales: She is strong. She has no hesitations, like an arrow flying straight in the air. But …

Flashback at the fight scene

Illustrious: A tightly strung bow can easily snap.

Javelin and Laffey skids to the docks and unsummons their rigging

Javelin: I’m glad everyone seems to be okay.

Here we see Laffey in her habitant AKA face down on the concrete dock floor.

Javelin: Wait, Laffey, are you okay?!

Laffey: Maybe not. Too sleepy.

Javelin: Don't fall asleep out here!

Wales,Illustrious, and Unicorn walks to the docks to meet up Javelin and Laffey

Unicorn: Oh, Javelin! Laffey!

Unicorn runs up to them

Javelin: Unicorn, are you okay? Were you hurt?

Unicorn: I'm fine, thank you!

Wales: You two did very well. You saved us.

Javelin was having a flashback about Ayanami.

Javelin: Um…

Suddenly our little sleepy bunny pulled Javelin’s shirt and fell down while Javelin covered herself, while Wales, Illustrious, and Unicorn stared at them. Unicorn had a slight blush on her face.

Javelin: Hey, Laffey!

Laffey: So tired, also hungry. Sleepy.

Javelin removes the small crab and fixes laffey clothes.

Illustrious: You must be exhausted. Go ahead and rest. 

While the 3 walk back

Javelin: Oh, excuse me…

Wales: Resting is also part of your duties.

Illustrious: What about those 3 men you told to meet at the office?

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