Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Operation Firecause

After rescuing Hornet's fleet from the 5th Carrier Division Enterprise suffered injuries and Belfast helped her out after passing out due to restlessness and the 5 boys return back to Azur Lane base with the Royal Navy


time 15:00

Queen Elizabeth: Who are these people?! Where did they come from, Wales?!

The boys were getting another interrogation with the Royal Navy, this time with Wales and her sisters while they all pointed sabers and guns at the 5....well the guns part just at two of them.

Muscle: So we have now assisted in saving a major part of your members TWICE, and we get treated as if we ruined your lives. Also, why do these three get treated nicely?

Queen Elizabeth: Well that is easy to explain, Ironblood pilot. These three at least wear the formal clothings of our allies. You and the Sakuran pilot do not. Therefore we keep you under closer observation.

She clearly pointed to the two boys in handcuffs kneeling in front of her while the other boys sat on the couch eating cookies.

Jibz: We are all wearing different uniforms that symbolise where we come from, so basically you get the same treatment as we all did when we first arrived. But now since Wales could see that we mean no harm, she gives us more freedom. No worries. We will help clear your name since you are innocent but we need to prove that first. After this food of course.

Queen Elizabeth: Indeed. We cannot trust you without being certain you aren't spies.

Muscle: How are we spies when we saved your asses twice!

Queen Elizabeth: Exactly for that reason. You might only behave like you are our allies after all, expecting us to trust you after saving us so we don't see anything suspicious in you. It is still total chaos so until the situation has calmed down you two are going to have to deal with a bit of infringed freedom.

Muscle: Oh come on! I am not even from the Ironblood you are thinking of.

Queen Elizabeth: Would you stop whining Ironblood pilot. Wales, please explain to me what transpired here while we were I need a damage report.

As Wales explains to Queen Elizabeth about how they ended up here to their surprise they know a lot about history and other stuff

Queen Elizabeth: I see... I suppose we'll let them off the hook for now... Except those two, throw them into jail for the night.

Muscle: I am going to bomb your ship for this.

Jibz: You will be fine tomorrow. No worries.

Muscle: I want to be fine now though.

Wales grabbed the two pilots by the clothes and proceeded to carry them outside before closing the door.

Wales: I will do my duty, my queen. I will return shortly.

She closed the door completely leaving the three "allied" pilots in the room with the shipgirls.

Dewae: Alright, they will be fine. So now that we're off the hook where the hell are we going to stay?

2W2C: Question, is Lexington here? (gets ignored)

Jibz: okay, now that's out of the question can we have a separated base and I know a spot

KGV: Hmm we could use your help to stop this war against the Crimson Axis and beat the Sirens, so where's the spot you mentioned? You seem like skilled pilots so I ask you if you would help us in the fight against the Sirens and the crimson axis.

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