4 | firsts

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Namjoon didn't remember much from his childhood. Sometimes when he woke up at night, curled into Jackson's arms, images of his mother would flash in his mind. As a single mother, Namjoon's mother had been forced to move around a lot, unable to keep a stable job for more than two months. The omega never really had any friends, instead finding peace by observing the world around him.

He immersed himself in literature and drowned himself in his studies, eager to prove his worth to his mother. He would go to college and study his ass off. He made a promise to his mother and himself that he would only strive for success. That he would push himself until earned himself a high-paying job that would finally provide some stability in his life.

And he had kept that promise up until he met Jackson. 2 years into college, Namjoon had never been so immersed in his studies. He stayed up till 3 in the morning on weekdays, submerged in his reading and research. Thankfully it paid off, earning him stellar grades that surprised almost every teacher he had. It was rare for an omega to do so well in school, let alone attend college. Most were married off to random alphas by the age of 19 and therefore did not need further studies.

But it all came at a cost. Textbooks and the internet came at an expensive price forcing Namjoon to search for a job despite his limited schedule. He applied to coffee shops, restaurants & boutiques but none worked out with his tight schedule. that was until he came across his neighborhood's library. It was small, secluded, and rarely had any visitors providing him the perfect study place. Not only could Namjoon lose himself in his studies, but he made a decent amount of money above minimum wage.

Most nights at the library were peaceful and Namjoon quickly fell into a routine. He'd arrive around ten, clock in, and make himself a nice cup of tea before diving into his lecture notes. That was until Jackson Wang showed up at his doorstep at midnight on a random Thursday. Unlike Namjoon, the alpha was falling behind in his studies and desperately needed a tutor with finals approaching. At first, the omega had been hesitant to assist. 

On one hand, Jackson was known for his "playboy" attitude and the people he hung out with didn't interest Namjoon. The omega had seen him smoking numerous times on campus along with making out with random omegas behind the bathrooms. Namjoon wasn't drawn to him, to say the least.

But Jackson had a way with his words, and soon the two would meet up regularly to catch up on lecture notes or go over the night's homework. Their classmate relationship didn't last long and soon the alpha had omega ensnared in his world. Jackson was a lot of Namjoon's firsts.

He was his first kiss. His first time drinking alcohol led to him blacking out and waking up on the bathroom floor. Jackson was the first to offer him a cigarette and when the omega refused, he was the first to kiss until he finally gave in. He was also the first person Namjooon slept next to other than his mother. On the alpha's birthday, Namjoon slept over at his house for the first time, woke up next to the alpha for the first time, and gave him his first handjob.

But it was only until Namjoon's first heat with Jackson did the omega start to let control of his life slip. When he was with Jackson, curled into his warm embrace with the alpha nipping at his scent gland, the school didn't matter anymore. When he was on his knees, crying out the alpha's name, his studies, his work, and his research all lost importance. And even his dear mother was forgotten the day Namjoon moved out, deciding that life was better when he was next to Jackson at all times.

To Namjoon, as long as he was with Jackson, nothing mattered. The first slap Jackson gave him when he came home late didn't matter. His dwindling health, his rapid weight loss, the decreased potency of his scent, all of it, slipped from his mind. None of it mattered because he was Jackson's.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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