08 Walking Home

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Previously on Touch...
"What?! Evan?! of course not! Evan is one of the most popular guys in school! he isnt gay!" Brian shouts at Luke
"Look... yes... Evan and I... we were together, but it was just a fling. No one was supposed to know, just a casual onetime thing. No Evan isnt gay and you won't have to worry about me and Evan anymore" Jon lies straight through his teeth but why...?
"no! I just... I didnt want to say what was going on in front of Brian and Marcel... the way they reacted just worried me... I dont want to somehow ruin Evan's rep... hes got a good future in line for him come graduation!"
Jon: what?! Evan, I had to lie to Brian and Marcel because-
Evan: Because you are ashamed to be seen with a guy? trust me Jon. I know that all too well. matter of fact. dont worry about coming over. it was just a fl-
"Yea, can I help you?" I ask as I open the door, but I freeze up
"Evan?!" I exclaimed as Evan just stood there
"What are you two dumb fucks doing out here- oh! hey Ev! come on innnn" Luke quickly invites Evan in
"You want to join in on movie night with us?" Luke now sounding like a chirpy dad
"Sure. I'd love too" Evan now smiling


Over time for the past few weeks, Evan and I have been together and occasionally skipping school to just stay at his place all day.

During the normal school day, we act as friends but there are some few times Evan just can't keep his touch off of me, especially in biology class and lunch

"Hey Evan, I think someone likes you" Brian teases as he slightly points to a girl sitting a couple tables away from us

She noticed we saw her, and she gets up and starts to walk over towards us

"Um.. hi Evan.. can.. can we talk?" she asks

"Uh? Sure" Evan responds

He gets up and the crew and I just watch them leave the cafeteria

"I wonder whats up with her?" Marcel pipes up

"I don't know..." Luke responds knowing something is up

Luke and Brock are the only ones who know about Ev and i

After a few minutes we start to hear crying and hear Evan apologizing over and over again

We get up and walk out to see them in the hallway

"I'm sorry I'm just not looking for anything right now" Evan pitifully explains

"You could have at least given me a chance instead of shooting me down so quickly.." the girl cries

"Hey Evan, everything alright?" Brock interrupts and the girl quickly wipes her tears away and tries to smile

"Oh.. uh yea hes ok. I just had to ask him for the homework for history.. everything is all good.. looks like I got to go. Bye Evan.." she makes up an excuse and rushes past us

We watch her scammer off into the cafeteria and then we look back over to Evan

"Evan?" Brian starts to talk

"Valentine's day is coming, and she tried to ask me out.. I feel bad for her" Evan looked at us then stopped as he looked at me then quickly continued to look at the rest of us

"Well, I don't see you getting chocolate from her anytime soon" Marcel laughs

"Isnt valentine's day like in two days?" Luke starts to think then grins

"Aye brock, any word from Lauren?" Luke now nudging Brock with his elbow

"Gah! Stop! What if someone hears you?!" Brock panics and tries to cover Luke's mouth

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