09 Puppy!

24 1 5

Previously on Touch...
Over time for the past few weeks, Evan and I have been together and occasionally skipping school to just stay at his place all day.
"Valentine's day is coming, and she tried to ask me out.. I feel bad for her" Evan looked at us then stopped as he looked at me then quickly continued to look at the rest of us
"Oh! Like a dude sleepover?" Brock now chiming in, clearly looking forward to smothering Marcel in his sleep with a pillow
"Evan! Come on! You didn't give me a chance to-" I cut myself off as I suddenly heard a faint cry
- I stopped in my tracks which Evan noticed and stopped too
- "Jon? Whats wrong?" Evan asked
- "Shh, listen. Do you hear that?" I ask him and he starts to listen
"Alright, I'll take y'all to the local vet clinic, hopefully they will be fine with us showing up without an appointment" Luke crosses his fingers and then I watch as Evan gets in the truck with Luke
Evan and Luke drive off and I open the door to instantly getting shot in the head with a nerf bullet
- "BULLSEYE!" Brian shouts and starts laughing
- "Where the fuck did you even get nerf guns from?!" I shout as I now have a tiny red mark on my forehead


"AUGH!" Brian shouts as he is swaying his nerf gun side to side releasing bullets to anyone and everything

"TAKE COVER!" Marcel shouts as Brock and I fuck for the kitchen counter

We glance at the oven to see Brian's reflection of him walking around looking for us

"I'm getting Jurassic park vibes here man" Brock whispers to me

"Yea but in Jurassic park they ran, I'm not gonna run!" I shout out the last word as I quickly stand up and aim my nerf gun at him and start shooting

Bullets flying, the guys are all laughing. Marcel attempts to protect Brian but fails as Brock shoots Marcel

"Haha! We win!!!" Brock shouts in celebration as Marcel and Brian pretend to die in the most dramatic way possible

"Oh *cough cough* oh lonely world... It's my time to die *cough cough* Marcel.. buddy.." Brian now on his knees holding his chest reaching out to Marcel as Marcel leans against the couch slowly sliding down

"Marcel.. tell my fam I tried.. tell my video games I was one who got played this time.." Brian now trying not to smile and trying not to break character

"Brian.. *cough cough* if I live.. Can I have your video games?" Marcel speaks the last part completely normal

"What!?" Brian jumps up in shock

"AH ZOMBIE!" Brock starts blasting bullets at Brian again

"Ahh! Bleh!" Brian finally now laying on the floor as Marcel and I start laughing

Alright y'all, who's going to pick up all these bullets?" Marcel pipes up

"Well y'all are the ones who wanted them so y'all can clean them up" Brock speaks up slowly laying the nerf gun down on the counter top

"Aye man! You went crazy with the bullets, I say the fucker who shot the last bullet needs to clean the mess, BROCK!" Brian responds suddenly alive again

Brock doesn't even bother arguing he just starts picking them up


Some time goes by and we all start to hear the doorknob click and wiggle, it was obvious someone was unlocking the door

"I wonder if Jon will be alright with it?" I hear Evan speak as we watch Luke and Evan walk in

"AW ITS A PUPPY!!!" Marcel and Brock both jump up and start slithering over to Evan with adorable puppy eyes excited to see the puppy

Touch {H2OVanoss} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon