13 3 4

anxiety. hatred. anxiety again. y/n hated him. she couldn't show that at all though. she was not gonna let him get to her so darn easily. hands shaking and a tremble in her manner, she stood up.

'good morning everyone. my name is y/n and i'm from seoul. i like cats, reading and coffee.'
she said while facing the professor taehyung  and  sat down. her heart beating so fast she thought it would jump right out of her mouth on the table in front of her.

'thank you y/n. what kinda books do you like to read?' he went.

books. especially hard covers because they smack heads very well.

' everything. i don't really have a favourite genre.' y/n says extremely calmly, making taehyung want to torment her more, only being stopped by the force of 90 students looking straight at his face.

'thank you y/n. you can sit down. the next person go on?'
people kept introducing themselves and you kept listening. y/n knew a lot of people so their names weren't really new. she didn't know a lot of other people too, for example, the shy boy sitting in the last row and his friend. y/n had seen them around campus with their other friends but she never really talked to them.

he was cute. big doe eyes and he had one of the prettiest smiles ever. jungkook. that was his name. the guy besides him, had a very uncanny resemblance to a cat and as a cat person, you could immediately see it. he was adorable with ginger hair and had the cutest gummy smile. his name was yoongi. they seemed really friendly, making  y/n  feel the same way she feels when she sees her celebrity crush on tv. sujin and jiah were already drooling. 

professor taehyung noticed the frequent head turns y/n and a lot of other girls took the rest of the class. he felt like this big monster rising from his stomach that went on to his chest, slowly turning into slight anger. jealousy.it lingered on for a while, but he was fine a while later.

'let's stop here everyone. we will continue this in the next class.'
'i would suggest you all to start researching the material for your upcoming assignment' he said.

his glance went straight to y/n and he said,

'also, not to be that teacher but i really don't appreciate any sort of distractions during my class. that is something i strongly dislike. so please be careful with this, and pay attention in class.'

the other students were packing their bags to walk out of the class so no one really noticed. thank god.
his expression was strong now, unlike the relaxed manner he was teaching in a few minutes ago.

he's still so beautiful. i'm
what the heck?


heyyy everyone! i'm sorry for this chapter being really short. i just wanted to update and my college started so i got busy haha. the next chapter is a little fun so stay tuned ;)

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