Volume 1 The Late Night Show

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It was the biggest night of my career, if you would even call it that. I had only been acting for a year now and not only was I completely new to the industry but I actually had blown up quite tremendously in a short amount of time. My car, which had been arranged to pick me up this evening, pulled into the lot where The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon was going to be filming in an hour. The sweat on my palms were very much present and I chose to wipe my hands on the seat rather than the expensive ass dress I was borrowing, still I can't believe I was about to be interviewed in front of a live audience for the first time ever. Yeah I've gone on a few press tours with the cast of the film I was debuting on but this was the first time I was going to be alone and being asked questions from my favorite host!

Arriving at what I assumed was a luxury break room a shit ton of celebrities have hung out in, I was greeted joyfully by Jimmy, "(Y/N)!! I'm so honored to meet you in person now..OH MY GOD YOU LOOK STUNNING!"

 I shook his eager hand that was outstretched towards me and gave it a gentle squeeze, "HOLY SHIT JIMMY..I mean first of all thank you so much and I should be saying the same, you're literally my favorite host like I'm freaking the hell out!", I giggled while he embraced me.

 "Seriously oh my gosh, (Y/N) that's the sweetest thing ever but your literally even more ethereal in person haha. But how was the flight, did they take care of you?"

 Now he was leading me to a sofa where my glam crew was setting up for pre-show touch ups, "Yeah yeah, everyone was so nice and this whole experience has been amazing so really thank you so much." At this point I was trying to suppress the nerves engulfing my chest and I think he picked up on it.

 "Okay thank god and of course I want to make sure my guest are well taken care of and plus you had quite the distance to travel so I appreciate you coming down here." He says handing me a water and surprisingly a pop-it lol. 

"Wow you uh really read my mind with the fidget toy," both of us laughing.

 "I always have the goods (y/n), I know it can be intimidating participating in an interview with a live audience plus you're like super new to all of this stuff. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I get it and I want you to have fun, hopefully even enjoy this experience." 

Jimmy softens his gaze, "You'll do amazing so chill and if you need to we can totally take a shot of ginger or something bc your a little young for vodka" he wheezes as I hold my stomach from laughing.

I look up at him with a huge smile, "oh jeezus you're going to ruin my makeup Slim Jim, but for real thanks and uhh I'll skip on the ginger shots." 

He stands up allowing the girls to set my makeup and add the finishing touches to my hair, "haha sounds good, um I'll let you finish up in here and don't worry it's like you rehearsed with the main crew so let's kill it tonight yeah?!" He grins, giving me one of those exploding fist-bumps.

 Jimmy leaves the room about to go live with the first interview of the night, I was going to be second in the line-up so I quickly allowed the team to make adjustments to my outfit and posed for pictures that I could post to my IG. Just as we wrapped the photos a gorgeous girl with a clipboard entered the room directing me to follow her, she was my guide for the night that I had met the day before and she quickly let me know I was ready to go on stage. Holy fuck this was it, I gulped and followed her to a large curtain which was the only thing separating me from my life as I knew it and the new one full of opportunities that would flood my email once Jimmy called out my name. The girl reminded me where to walk when the time was right and gave me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder before disappearing with the rest of the camera crew.

 "Our next guest is just as stunning as her performance in the recent film (f/n)! Please give her a warm welcome, ( Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)!!". The curtain opened rapidly, allowing the lights to hit me, making my dress shimmer as I made my way to Jimmy. He took my hand and led me up the steps towards my seat next to his desk.

Swiping my dress under my ass, I got comfortable on the couch before looking around with a sly grin. The amount of people kinda freaked me out but I played it off. There was a group of girls screaming for me before Jimmy gestured to the crowd to quiet their applause. 

I glanced at the girls and winked, "Heyyy everyone!", they ate that shit up instantly and started screeching making everyone chuckle in usion. 

"Damn you have even more fangirls than I thought and this is your first talk show is it not omg?" Jimmy asked with a big toothy smile. 

Meeting his eyes with my hooded ones, "I know right I'm just as surprised but what can I say, I love the ladies Jimmy!" I respond while tilting my head a little gaining a few whistles from the crowd. "Nah but seriously thank you for having me this is so surreal and you look even more epic in person may I add", earning a giggle out of the host.

 He ducked his head into his arms before looking back up laughing, " I mean yeah I'm pretty epic, like Zendaya can totally vouch for me haha." Jimmy continues after I chuckle and jokingly roll my eyes. "Okay but you've got to tell me, how does one get a name as unique as yours, it's literally like you were meant to be famous or something!"

 I look for my mom who's sitting with my dad and my sister in the front row, "I mean my mom is sorta a genius so I assumed she saw the name, sang it out loud to check if it was dope or not, and then was like oh yeah that's fire I'm writing this shit down and BOOM a star was born Jimmy!" 


I quickly looked around with my eyes wide while the crowd laughed, " damn my bad I totally forgot, HEY I'M NEW HERE WHAT DID U EXPECT!!" This time it was Jimmy clutching his gut giggling.

The interview progressed with lots of fun personal stories, games, movie promos, and impressions. Later Jimmy asked if I knew that I was going to be an actor or not because earlier in the segment we talked about how I had no acting experience prior to Netflix. 

I thought for a second making the crowd intrigued by my sudden silence, " You know I sorta had an idea that I'd maybe be really good if I tried but I was never absolute about it because I actually refused to go to casting calls with my g-ma when I was younger, so I always kinda told myself I would do something creative and just accepted whatever that possibility was. I'm glad I threw myself into acting though because I wouldn't be here with this amazing crowd tonight and an amazing host like yourself, and I definitely wouldn't have met the best cast mates anyone could have the pleasure of working with and I've been extremely grateful for all of this shit and I don't regret any of it!" I threw my hands up making everyone cheer and clap, while Jimmy chuckled while giving me a 'oh sureee' kind of smile.

Knowing I broke the no cussing rule again I gave him a grin and mouthed sorry. We wrapped the interview up and I said my good-byes to everyone. I walked backstage where the crew and my team cheered, I hid my face in my hands to cover my blush and thanked everyone. There was an afterparty that I quickly got ready for and made my way to the second location. I checked my phone and fuck man the response to my appearance was overwhelmingly positive, there were already edits of me being posted and popping up in my tags. I giggled and showed my sister who had her husband on facetime to show him and we all shared the excitement in the backseat of our ride.

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