Volume 3 Vanity Fair

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I wake up to my sister shaking me around and my alarm buzzing under my chest. Wiping the drool from my face she hands me my phone signaling me to get up already.

Huffing and whipping my body off the bed I hear her laugh, " Dude c'mon you have like important actress shit to do or something right?"

Pulling myself off the floor like the drama queen I am, I whine and nod, using all the energy I have left to head towards the shower. Today is the day I do my first official branded photoshoot for Vanity Fair featuring Versace who will be providing the stylist for the shoot. Quickly before I lose all motivation I finish bathing and brush my teeth, proceeding to the rest of my beauty routine. I leave my hair natural so they could style it at the studio and rush to get dressed in some comfy yet street-wear appropriate clothes before grabbing the rest of my things and kissing my family goodbye for the afternoon. I soon meet with my security and driver in the front, we're a little ahead of schedule so I offer to get everyone coffee earning a car full of groggy cheers making me giggle as I order ahead on my phone.

Once caffeinated and safely arriving at the location for the photos, I'm guided inside an industrial building to the top floor where I meet the photographer and brand representatives. All of us hug and introduce ourselves comfortably, each saying our names and preferred pronouns which made my heart happy. Quickly we shifted to business and staff started setting up while I was getting glammed the fuck up.

"(Y/N) you have a call, they said it was personal and 'totally not work related' so I came to check in with you, uh do you know a person who goes by 'Buddy'?" my manager asks with a confused look on their face.

"Oh my god he's so dramatic, it's Joseph Quinn. I met him last night at the The Late Night Show after-party" I chuckled reassuring them.

"Well damn girl you're fitting in with the Hollywood scene already now, you sure you still even need lil 'ol me anymore?" My manager gives me doe eyes, making me giggle.

"I would be lost without you and actually I practically wanted to hide with my tail between my legs before Joe distracted me with virgin martinis and good company haha." I gesture to them to hand me my phone since I'm stuck in a makeup chair with 3 people working on me. With a soft smile they hand it over and start walking away whispering 'Buddy, Buddy, Joe?' and writing something down. Looking at my phone from the side I see he's on hold so I quickly answer and press speaker.

"Hello Mr. Quinn, how may I help you this morning?", you say in a perfect British accent. You can tell this threw him off because he actually responds professionally to speak with me. This makes you crack up earning a screech on the other line.

"HEY I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE'S NAN FOR A SECOND WHAT THE HELL!" Joseph's laugh makes you squirm a little, but your glam squad hushes you.

Stiffening up so they can still work on your look, you clear your throat after suppressing your witch chuckle.

"Sorry sorry, I am a professional bull-shitter you know, hence why were both part of the Netflix cult now man" you say dragging out the last part of your sentence.

"You're right, oh my gAwd! That's why being involved with actors is just brilliant because were manipulative as hell but were such a good time now aren't we." His laugh buzzing through the phone.

"Yeah yeah, now what exactly did you need again? Because for your information I'm working at the moment you sly bastard", you ask sarcastically but also sorta seriously.

"Em right, I wanted to know where your at because unlike you I actually have a day off while I'm here, so c'mon now. Order me around and give me the directions miss (y/l/n)!"

You can tell he's grinning like a nerd on the other side of the phone, making you realize pursuing him would probably be a lot like this. Phone calls and distance. Hmm the thought actually gave you goosebumps but you snap out of it quickly, not liking the idea of being away from him after he goes back to the UK.

"Alright I guess you can tag a long today but no funny business, this is my first shoot and I know you've done many already but I haven't so don't distract me you goof", I say and hearing him cheer.

You end the call and send him the address, instructing him to pick up more coffee to fuel your addiction. He sends a kneeling man emoji making u scoff at his mannerism and overall text etiquette. The girls hum in agreement after eyeing you up and down with smiles on their faces, giving you the hint that your ready to go. Quinn arrives giving you a gentle hug and complimenting your beauty, his gaze is burning holes into your clothes as he watches you work from the side. The director of the shoot has you try a few poses and there's a journalist interviewing you the duration of the shoot too add to the column Vanity Fair is writing about you. During your lunch break you and Joe get some food the studio provided and enjoy each others company shortly before Joseph pulls you aside. Worried you messed up your makeup while eating since he's leading you towards the glam room, you take his hand.

"Do I have something on my face, I only took like three bites of my foo-", your cut off from him pulling you into a corner and passionately kissing you. He taste like the peach teas he was sipping and you melt into his lips before he suddenly releases his grip on your waist, giving you one last peck on your nose. Your expressions says a lot cause he hides his face in your neck, you can feel him smirking.

"My bad, you just looked so delicious and I couldn't hold back anymore." You support his weight for a moment as he leans against you briefly, lifting his head to meet your eyes.

"That's alright, I don't mind you devouring me even though we still haven't gone on that date you asked me on, or wait the one I asked you on?" He starts shushing you saying he asked, making you giggle because that's definitely not what happened. Both of you stop and stare at another for a second before he starts again.

"Okay you may have had worn the trousers in that situation so let me take you out after work, yeah?" He's holding your hands, rubbing circles into your palm.

"Sure, that would be nice but only if you ask me something else first", you say lifting one brow.

"Like wUt?" he's searching your face to see if you'll hint to him what you exactly your asking him.

"Well I'll let you ponder on it while I finish this shoot so hopefully you've got something your begging to ask me later yeah?!" You grin and push Joseph aside making your way back to the crew who's been searching for you. He just giggles and shrugs, making his way back to his previous spot before lunch.

While you make it back to the spot the photographer had you in, you can't help but hope he just decides to ask you out already so you can feel a little more at ease with your guy's situation-ship. Regaining focus you start taking direction from the team, Joe snapping pictures like a soccer mom makes you laugh on the inside but the shoot must go on!

Me + You (Joseph Quinn x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now