" 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙠𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙝𝙖 "

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SAI WOKE UP FIRST, as usual, finding himself wrapped around Naruto, who held him close with one arm around his waist. He was sure the other arm was wrapped around Sasuke, who was also fast asleep. He spent a moment admiring them, pretty black hair with just enough blue in it and unruly curly blonde hair. The sun was not yet up but Sai was sure they'd look ethereal in it. If only he could stay asleep long enough to see it. Perhaps it was a result of the training subconsciously working against him, but he always got up before dawn.

He didn't mind it though. He pressed a kiss to Naruto's cheek and then an extra light one to Sasuke's, the man was a VERY light sleeper. He'd found that out when he started giving them morning kisses, because he read about it and thought it would be cute. Apparently people don't blush so hard they resemble a tomato in their sleep, and after a few days, Sasuke confessed that he woke up when Sai kissed him. Naruto nicknamed him Sleeping Beauty. Sai couldn't get why Sasuke looked angry, as he was sleepy and beautiful. 

Today was not a training day, so Sai pushed through all the uniforms and found a regular white crop-top, some shorts, and a pair of overalls that probably weren't his, but Naruto told him he didn't mind, even if he made a small fuss about it. Sai didn't bother with socks or sandals, he just traveled downstairs and started the coffee machine.

Near the apartment was a small vending machine, with the cheap but outrageously sweet coffee that Naruto liked. Sasuke liked iced coffee, made by hand, and Sai simply liked regular coffee with a bit of sugar. Sai lamented on the symbolism of it, but got out three mugs anyway (Sai poured Naruto's drink in a mug because he didn't like to feel left out). The mugs matched, a gift from Sakura. 

The Match (Sai)
The Flame (Naruto)
The Arsonist (Sasuke)

Perhaps it was cheesy and maybe Sai spent a little too much of his morning looking at the same things, treasuring them over and over in vast detail, but he loved his boyfriends. In the grand scam of life, he'd managed to get two of them. He liked being the one to take care of them both, even if they refused to do so themselves. It backfired when they forced HIM to sit down and have at least two meals a day. But otherwise, taking care of his boyfriends was something he cherished.

When Sai finished the iced coffee, having polished off a quarter of his, Sasuke came downstairs. He was dressed in a loose black yukata and his hair was brushed neatly. Sai could tell he was wearing eyeliner, a deep black that matched his nails. Both were flawless, as always.


"Good morning Sasu-kun!" Sai smiled, his eyes closing on instinct when he tried.

It was only an excuse for Sasuke to kiss him, gentle and slow. Sai could feel himself press against the cold counter and let out a quiet whine as Sasuke's hands traveled to his hips and caressed him. Sasuke was demanding and quick, barely giving Sai time to breathe before he wanted another and another. His voice purred something Sai couldn't properly hear, but Sai didn't mind. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck and silently begged for another kiss. A smirk graced the Uchiha's lips but his eyes were soft as he complied.

They only broke apart when Sasuke buried his face in Sai's shoulder, face flushed. Sai didn't blush much but he could feel the faint warmness bloom on his ears and his cheeks and he let out a soft laugh. Sasuke let out a chuckle of his own, a pleasant joke neither of them told or knew themselves. It was fascinating how lovers reacted to one another, spending so much time together and yet every moment was dear to them.

They both drank their coffee in silence, fingers looped together as they watched the sun come up. Sai found he didn't mind this silence, for it was Sasuke's way of love. Quiet, and some may think it's cold, but deeper into the waters it resembled something quietly tender and emotional. A royal blue romance. 

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