the cat, the necromancer, and the possessed

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I used a Prompt Generator for this one [writer's block got me for a while], and I got MERCENARY/SCIENTIST. This is going to be interesting~ ☆

This part doesn't have a bunch of Naruto in it, but more is coming soon!! Writer's block hits different when you have many ideas but you literally cannot just write them. :')

[ • • • • • • • • • ]

Sasuke irritably watched his watch, counting the seconds down until that pesky mercenary arrived. He always came right on the meeting time. Barely a second too early, and never a second too late. 

'Twenty seconds.'  Sasuke noted, 'And there's still no sign of him.'

Sasuke began to pace, but after a rat emerged out of a seemingly deep puddle due to his worrying movement, he decided otherwise. He hated when Cat picked meeting places, it was always alleyways and trenches. Couldn't he pick somewhere more civilized? Somewhere less rat-infested?

'Three seconds.'  Sasuke stared at his pocketwatch, 'Two seconds... one second.'

Right as the one second mark was hit, Sasuke heard a soft whoosh and he turned around. 

Standing there was the mercenary, with a mask decorated like a cat's that hid his studying gaze.

"You're cutting it very close." Sasuke snipped, folding his arms.

"I am on time, as I always am."

"It's unnecessary to follow it to the second."

"I know."

He didn't elaborate, simply opening his satchel and taking out a carefully sealed orb, runes written on the glass container that sealed the powerful object inside and prevented leaks. To others, this would seem normal, almost lazy. The runes weren't straight and the penmanship was scratchy. Sasuke knew that Cat was capable of better seals and more expensive containers than a glass jar.

But the seals were wrapped and written in a way that sharply stopped the leakage of the orb's power, the harsher that seals were written, the more aggressive they were. It was on the brink of being too harsh, and still working as a seal, therefore a perfect script for this particular, rather dangerous orb. The jar looked almost ordinary, something that Sasuke could walk with without being questioned too much.

Cat was a professional and he knew his client. Sasuke, despite his annoyance, couldn't help but feel giddy at the orb. A relic from the woods of Konohagakure, pumped with old yet destructive chakra for what purpose? Not many could touch the orb, let alone pick it up and seal it. 

Cat always wore gloves, so Sasuke couldn't tell the extent of the damage.

"May I ask you something, Sasuke-kun?" Sasuke leveled him with a glare, but he didn't falter, "Who is the blonde man that knows your name?"

Sasuke froze. Oh no.

"Did you tell him who I am?!"

"No, that would be a breach of our contract." Cat shook his head, "As I fought him, he managed to knock my mask off. When he looked at me, he said your name. I only told him that I was not you."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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