Divine intervention

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Madame didn't say a word at first.

Just sat there in her wheelchair staring at the grandest of canyons. One wonder of the world meeting another.

Oh, yes. We got her there as soon as we were cleared to travel. We had to. I mean, the woman had literally saved our lives more than once and she did it all chill but right on time, each time.

Chas kind of joked about it one morning. Said, "If God is a woman, that woman's her twin sister."


And the morning we arrived at the Canyon, she sat there so still at first that Chas finally touched her shoulder very gently.

And that's when she said, very softly, "Listen to it breathin'..."

It does breathe, the Canyon. The updrafts sound like the Earth sighing.

Birds glide on them, wings outstretched. My soul feels like it's flying, too, as I watch them.

And I love how the colors change constantly. At sunset the canyon walls are a blazing yellow, then orange, then purple. Other times it may be all kinds of greys with interesting shadows and angles, like the Ansel Adams photos.

I was leaning down to tell her about that when I saw the glisten of tears on her cheeks. So I stood right back up and tried not to tear up myself.

Chas rubbed my back and smiled. And glanced back at his parents, who were having breakfast in the big restaurant we'd all met up in after we got settled in cabins.

Madame just wanted to get out on the terrace full of deck chairs right next to it, where she would stay the whole week almost. She even ate out there. Napped. Read her Bible.

She was the kind of Christian I like. A "stealth" one who just lived by The Word so you could see it in action instead of talking about it all the time.

I know that sounds weird, given her old occupation, but she told me she believed all her accomplishments were "Heaven sent." And that she'd been given all that wealth and power so that she could do God's work.

You could ask what kind of God would use a woman's body that way. But that King David used women's bodies and worse and wound up the patriarch of the line that Jesus came from, right? Those are the people God picks. The ones we wouldn't.

And I was hoping He/She would bless us, too. Cause we were about to try something pretty crazy...

That part began when Chas' phone buzzed. I chuckled and said, "Show time."

"Shall I come?"

"I've got reinforcements on the way. You stay here with your other woman."

Madame looked up and said, "Y'all don't need to babysit me. His folks is right there eatin' and they got these waiters runnin' in and outta there all the time. Gon' about your business!"

"You're the one should be going," I said. "You and Carol gave me the whole idea. And I bet Willie wouldn't talk back to you."

"Yeah, some cracker gets on my nerves I'ma say what I got to say. But I come here to do just what I'm doin' now. Gon' set here'n' lookit all this pretty 'til it's too dark to see."

"She's also gonna helo down to Supai in a bit," Chas said. "Her idea."

Havasupai is a tiny reservation 'way down at the bottom of the Canyon where you can see—and splash in--waterfalls and terraced pools of turquoise blue water. Spectacularly scenic.

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