Chapter 1

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Exiting the airport tram ahead of the flood of human occupants, I followed the signs directing us toward baggage claim.

As my rolling carry-on dragged behind me, I reached into my purse and pulled out my phone. Dialing, I held it up to my ear.

The voice of my lifelong best friend answered me, "Lilly?"

"Hey, Grace," I eyed the frustrated bustle of the TSA checkpoint as I walked through the exit. "I'm almost past security – where are you?"

"Um..." there was a pause, and then she came back, "I'm near the escalators. There's a Jimmy John's to my right?"

"Okay, give me a second – I should be right there."

Hurrying, I lowered my phone and emerged into the terminal's central hub.

With so many scents eddying around me, my sense of smell was useless, so I stood on tiptoe and looked around.

My eyes met with those of a tall, athletically built young woman, and twin smiles spread across both of our faces.

Closing the distance between us, I wrapped my free arm around her, leaning into our hug.

"Hey, Babe."

Her comforting warmth radiated into me, and I released her with reluctance, "Hey, Babe."

Grace looked me over. "Did you check any bags?"

I shook my head, "Nope." Picking up my carry-on, I added, "Just this."

"Awesome – let's get the hell out of here."

"Yes, please!"

Moving toward the escalators, Grace led the way, asking, "So, what do you feel like?"


"Do you want to grab lunch? Do you want to take a nap?"

I quirked my lips, thinking. "Both? Yeah, both sound good."

Grace nodded, stepping onto the moving stairs, "Alright, we'll get drive-thru on our way there."

"By the way, thank you for letting me crash on your couch."

Grace turned to me, amused, "Wait, you don't know?"

I frowned, "Know what?"

She grinned, "We got an upgrade for the night."


"Yup – we're spending the night at the Bellagio – courtesy of the Pack."

"What?!" My eyes widened as we stepped off.

"It's a graduation present for both of us. Fountain view, two queen beds, within stumbling distance of some of the most ridiculous clubs and bars in the city."

"That's convenient."

Grace chuckled, "It's more than convenient. Lil, I have plans..."

Cocking an eyebrow, I asked, "Why did that sound so ominous?"

"Lilly," her eyes danced with mischief, "we are gonna get fucked up!"

Standing in front of the hotel room's bathroom mirror, I examined the makeup I'd spent the last hour applying.

Grimacing, I muttered, "I'm going to take it off."

Grace called out from the bedroom. "No, you absolutely are not."

"I look weird." Sulking, I stepped out and gestured to my face, "Don't I look weird?"

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