Chapter 2

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When the chocolate marvel before me had been sufficiently decimated, I set down my spoon with a contented sigh. "That was spectacular..."

"Right? I really didn't expect foie gras to taste like that, though."

"It was interesting. Also, apparently, I like caviar? That's something new I just learned about myself."

Grace agreed, "The texture was kind of fun. Not that I'll have many opportunities to eat it."

Looking across the table, I shook my head, "Grace, that was phenomenal. I know I'm repeating myself, but I can't say it enough – this is an amazing birthday present - thank you."

Grace picked up her napkin and dabbed at her lips. "You're welcome."

"Honestly – that was without a doubt the best meal I've ever had."

Grace leaned back, smirking. "Now comes the fun part."

Quirking an eyebrow, I asked, "Were you serious earlier? You're planning on getting me absolutely wrecked tonight?"

"Oh yeah," she grinned. "You're going to be stumbling around, double vision, room spinning wrecked."

"As opposed to just plain drunk?"

"Lilly, if you're going to drink responsibly, you need to know what it feels like to drink irresponsibly. You'll have a better sense of what your limits are once you go way past them."

"This sounds like a terrible idea."

"I'm sorry – who studied biology at this table?"

I rolled my eyes. "You studied kinesiology."

"Which requires a strong biology course load, Miss I-Took-All-The-Math-Classes. I know what I'm talking about!"

Tilting my head to the side, I asked, "Would your professors agree with this plan?"

She snorted. "Of course not – they're old and boring."

Groaning, I shook my head. "Fine. But if this dinner comes back up, I'm going to be so upset."

Grace chuckled. "Don't worry. Werewolves have remarkably strong stomachs."

As we walked out of the restaurant, Grace paused and pulled out her phone.

The grimace on her face confused me.

"Who is it?"

She placed it back in her purse. "Just somebody who can't take a hint."


She resumed walking, and I kept pace beside her.

"Zane." The name seemed distasteful on her tongue.

"Okay – who's Zane?"

"An ex. A recent ex."


Already knowing the answer, I asked, "Human or werewolf?"

"Human." Grace admitted. "And before you judge me-"

I shook my head. "I'm not judging you."

"Yeah, but I know you don't approve of dating before mating, especially not with humans."

"Just because I choose not to do it doesn't mean I'm judging you for choosing differently."

Chastened, Grace said, "Well, thank you."

"So," I glanced over, "What'd this 'Zane' do?"

Grace frowned. "I broke up with him last week – you know, I've graduated, I'm gonna be moving back home once my lease ends, blah blah blah... But for some damn reason, he keeps messaging me, asking if we can talk about it. Like, I don't know how much clearer I could have been!"

"You're surprised that he got attached?"

"I was very clear about my intentions from the start - I never pretended that we were anything other than temporary. I thought he understood that – but apparently not."

I shrugged. "Feelings change. You're pretty awesome – why wouldn't he be upset about losing you?"

"All the more reason to break up. What's the alternative? Take him back to the Pack and keep him as my side piece until my mate shows up?"

"I guess not."

"Exactly. So now I'm just trying to ghost him." Rolling her eyes, she groused, "God, I hope I don't run into him before I move – it'd be so awkward."

"See, this is what I avoid by not dating. Think about all of the energy I save by not dealing with this nonsense."

Grace shook her head. "I couldn't do it. I mean, a celibate werewolf? There's no way."

I held my arms out, "And yet, here I stand."

Turning to face me, Grace raised her brows. "You know what I mean. We are a horny, lascivious people, Lilly. We're not meant to go without."

"Yeah? That's what vibrators are for."

Grace snorted, "Girl, why do you think I date humans? They can't get me pregnant, and they can't give me STI's; they're walking, talking sex toys that make you breakfast in the morning."

"Until they get clingy and you have to ghost them."

Her expression soured. "Keep that up and I'll make you do Jäger shots."

Feet rubbing against Grace's sky-high heels, miniscule purse dangling from my wrist, I followed her down the sidewalk toward the large Roman-inspired complex. "Remind me again why we're not just drinking at the Bellagio?"

"Lil, if we're going to be on the Strip, then I want to do it right. I'm trying to give you the complete experience. Besides, if we end at the Bellagio, then getting back to our room will be super simple."

"Okay, if you say so..." I said doubtfully.

Pivoting, Grace walked backward as she spoke, "Lil, I promise you – it's going to be a blast. And, if you're not having fun, you say the word and we go back, okay?"

Smiling, I took her hand as she turned back around, "That's very considerate – thank you."

"Anytime, Babe!"

Keeping hold of my hand, she dragged me toward the entrance.

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