the new kids on the block

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Billy rolled up to school, his Camero roaring in the parking lot. I sat in the back with Max next to me,  Max and I jumped out once he pulled up, hoping to get peace from him for a few hours. I saw people watching when we got out, their eyes trained on my older brother as he made an appearance outside of the car. I made sure to walk even faster into the school, trying to escape the eyes of others. My converse padded along the concrete, the worn red color mixed into the crowd of other shoes.  I accidentally wore a pair of light jeans and a striped shirt matching Max. I walked through the halls to retrieve my schedule from the office and then headed off to class. One Positive about having a brother like Billy was that no one paid attention to me, all eyes were on him.

We didn't talk at school, Billy kept away not wanting to deal with his little sister. I watched my brother walk off with his pack of jocks. I felt someone brush past me, I stumbled a little and looked to find the most attractive boy in Hawkins walking by. He had on a leather jacket and a jean jacket vest over it with shoulder-length curly hair. I must have stood there watching him for a while because one of the guys I had seen around stopped next to me. He waved a hand in front of my face to get me out of my daze.

"Oh sorry," I said blinking and looking over. The boy in front of me had flowy hair and a blue color shirt on. He smiled down at me.

"Sorry, your Donna right? Donna Hargrove?" He questioned. I groaned, this was starting to be a real shit day. The boy stood there smirking like he didn't know he had said something wrong.

"Its...Darcie but Donna works I guess" I told him. His face fell.

"Shit my bad," He said. He looked a little frantic when I corrected him. "I'm Steve Herrington"

"Oh, nice to meet you. Your dating Nancy Wheeler right" I asked him. I had met Nancy Wheeler earlier that morning in one of my classes. Nancy had mentioned Steve in passing, saying he was in my class and that she was dating the athlete.

"Oh yea Nancy Wheeler," he said, sounding a little idiotic about it. He smiled goofy at me, like just thinking about Nancy made him happy.

"She seems nice," I told him, we stood there awkwardly. He didn't leave but also didn't ask anything more."Um, do you know who that boy is, the one with the Dio patch"

"Him? That's Eddie "The Freak" Munson" he said, he sounded heartless about it. I gave him a look.

"Doesn't look like a freak to me" I told him. He shrugged, still slightly awkward about standing with me.

"Eddie Munson has repeated Highschool once already. Just be careful around him" Steve told me before his friends pulled him away. I sent my wave back towards him as he got dragged down the hallway to the gym. No doubt my brother was going to scold him in basketball like he always did.

The first few weeks of school flew by. The only thing that slowed it was Eddie Munson. I had a small interaction with the boy, but it stuck in my head. He was in my class but he had gotten held back the year prior and probably would get heald back for the second time and forced to repeat a senior year, sat next to me in English and History. I tried not to let my eyes linger too long on him, but the boy was intoxicating. We hadn't talked at all since the year started, but I desperately wanted to. It took almost three weeks before he spoke a word to me. It was English class on Monday morning, 8 am. It was early, and in my opinion too early. I hid a copy of the Lord of the Rings under my desk as I read again during one of Mrs. O'Donnal's benign lectures. Eddie slipped into the seat beside me while she had her back turned towards the door. As he casually did so, I decided to be a little bolder than normal.

"One of these days she's going to catch you Munson" I spoke, not daring to look up from my book. While I had read the Lord of the Rings many times I still loved reading about Merry, Pippin, Frodo, and Sams's adventures in the early part of the Fellowship. I could feel Eddie's gaze fall from me to the book, then back to me.

"Yea well, going to have to take her class again next year.." he whispered, defeated. I closed my book and looked over at the boy next to me.

"That would be your second year repeating," I told him.

"Ah, so you know about me," He said, smirking making my heart race faster in my chest. I nodded my head before shaking it.

"No, I just made it my job to know a little something about everyone. New student and all" I replied smoothly.

"Sucks to be a new student senior year," He said, sounding a little saddened by my state.

"It's not too bad," I told him, "trying my best not to get held back too"

"Oh, yea. Why must ye retake senior year?" he inquired in a speech similar to the Lord of the Rings.

"No, no, I don't want to I'm just...overwhelmed with moving and my brother is an ass, so is my dad" I replied, not hiding the fear in my voice. I whispered the last part but Eddie caught it.

"I know all about shitty fathers, shipped me off to live with my uncle," He said back, taking the lord of the rings from under my desk. I shot him a bewildered look as I reached to grab it back.

"Hmm, I see you in the beginning. Haven't even got to Rivendell yet" He said reading the pages.

"Yea no shit Munson," I told him, "not like I haven't read the book fifty times"

"An avid Lord of The Rings fan" He smiled and handed the book back before Mrs. O'Donnel could turn around. I smiled back at him.

"My brother got me the book for my birthday before he turned into a major ass," I told him, thinking back to the day Billy had strolled into the house with a big smile. We were still ere living in California when he got me the books. It was around my 9th birthday that he got them for me. He had a huge smile on his face when I opened the box to find the books. It was one of the happiest days I remember from California, before Max came into the picture and before Billy turned sour. I and Eddie didn't talk for the rest of the class but I could tell that we shared a lot of trauma from our parents, and we didn't have to talk about it to know.

I met Max outside when school was over. "Max!" I yelled walking over to the middle school. I could see Billy leaving the school and walking over into the parking lot. "Come on" She waved good buy to the boy she was talking to.

"I'm coming jeez," She said. I threw my arm on her head as we walked down the pathway. She swatted at me and lightly tapped my stomach to let her head go. I did. Billy stood there watching us as we walked over.

"So now you're getting Max instead of coming to the car," Billy said. My smile fell from my face. 

"I just wanted her here faster, you always complain she doesn't make it here in time," I said back.

"Don't get an attitude with me Darcie" he said, I knew that voice. It was the same one my father used on us. I wanted to yell at him so bad. Tell him he's acting just like the man he said he never wanted to be. I reluctantly climbed into the front seat with Max in the back. Soon things would change, soon he would understand just how angry I could get at him.

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