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The rest of the school year flew by. Steve and my brother both graduated, neither heading off to college. I however was forced to repeat the year and it gave me more opportunities to become friends with Eddie Munson. He and I had started spending more time together, in between me working at Scoops Ahoy with Steve. The two of us had become friends, although I suspected that Dustin had something to do with it.

After the shit that went down in the pumpkin patch, I didn't exactly sleep soundly. Eddie noticed this soon after we started hanging out. I often went to Eddie's trailer, where he and his Uncle lived. It was a homie little palace, littered with photos of young Eddie and some of him and his Uncle Wayne. Smoking weed became a regular thing for the two of us. We would chill out most days on his couch.

"I swear your house feels more like a home than where I live," I told him. Eddie laughed from beside me.

"Are you serious?" he asked, hoping I was being serious with him. "Maybe you're too high right now"

"No I swear I'm telling you the truth" I replied, my head resting on the back of the couch. "You made this place so livable, and your uncle is so cool"

"He is cool," Eddie said in agreeance, "Your brother still giving you a hard time?"

"No, not since I threatened him with a bat," I told Eddie. My mouth opened before I could process the words that would leave it. I could see the gears working in his head. After a little while, he nodded his head.

"I say good on you," he told me, nodding his head like he was still trying to figure out just what happened for me to almost hit my brother with a bat.

"I... probably sound crazy because of that." I started, Eddies eyes were trained on me ready for me to explain. "I promise you I'm not. My sister went missing and our father made us go look for her and when we did she was at one of her friend's house but Billy didn't know them so he freaked out and beat the shit out of Steve Herrington"

"Wait, Steve Herrington" Eddie interrupted, shock written on his face at the words of Steve "The Hair" Harrington.

"Oh, yea he was babysitting them..." I told him getting back on point with the story, "So basically my brother beat the hell out of Steve Harrington, not before threatening my sister's friend, so that leads me to almost hitting him with a bat because he needed to understand some things" I grumbled out. Eddie watched me closely. He wasn't intimidated, he looked worried.

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