evil russians??

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Dustin and Steve decided to take binoculars and look for the Russians so they left me and Robin behind the counter. When the delivery service came was when we started to decode the code. On the service guys, the shirt was a silver Sphynx.

"Silver cat" I mumbled to Robin. She nodded and rushed back out to the storefront. I ran to the center of the mall and picked together the code. The code was made in the mall and was hinting that the Russians weren't just in Hawkins but were inside the Mall. So we did the only logical thing any teenager would do, we went on the roof and watched the doors.

"Holy shit they're armed," I said. I sat beside Steve in the rain watching the Russians by the back door. Steve tried to grab for the binoculars but ended up hitting the railing. He grabbed my hand and I couched it like a lifeline when we dove behind the wall for cover. I did not want to die and I held onto Steve's hand for some sort of comfort until we ran back into the store. This was not good, we called it quits and all went home and I begged Robin to sleep over so I could sleep that night. She was a comfort for me like Steve was like Eddie was. Max and Eleven were in the other room because they had a sleepover, I said goodnight to both of them before I and Robin headed back to my room. I had briefly that Billy was acting weird but that isn't anything out of the ordinary,

In the morning we both headed back over to work because the shift for the mall was crazy and most days they required us to work. It wasn't long before the mall slowed down for a few hours and we all sat in the back room talking.

"I'll just take him out" Steve spoke. Dustin tried to come up with a plan to get us into a room without a key card on us.

"Take who out," Robin asked, wanting to know what stupid plan he had cooked up.

"The Russian guard," he said proudly.

"You didn't listen to Dustin when he told you about the guns," I said to Steve,

"Have you ever even won in a fight before?" Dustin asked after. I smirked over at Steve who looked like he was about to die with whatever I was going to say.

"Yea that's a good question seeing as I watched you get beat up by my brother, not even a year ago," I told him and he just brushed it off.

"That was a fluke accident," he said in laughter quietly. Robin ran out of the room quickly hugging me before she fulfilled some sort of plan. When she got back she showed us the outline of the mall and a way into the room. This plan also inevitably involved Lucas's sister Erica. She was smart and she knew it. I loved the confidence she had in her.

"free ice cream for life," I told her desperate to find out what they were hiding. She smirked at me and I returned the gesture.

"I knew I liked you," she told me. We gave her a few Sundays as we waited for the mall to close and for us to sneak Erica through the vets and for the doors to open. After Erica fulfilled her side of the mission she stood proudly outside the doo.

"Got to love Erica Sinclair," I said as we rushed down to meet her. We rushed into the room wondering what exactly they were transporting. Steve opened one of the boxes and found something in it, when he went to open it Dustin refused to step back.

"I'm sorry but that looks like some sort of alien crap," I said, and then the room dropped. We all screamed. Shit hit the fan when we found out the room was an elevator and we weren't leaving any time soon. We sat there for hours contemplating the best force of action and how to survive. Dustin joked that Erica would be the first eaten but she disagreed seeing as Dustin was arguably the smallest but biggest person there. We didn't say anything after her comment but we all knew that Erica Sinclair would go down fighting before anyone had a chance of killing her.


It was probably morning when the doors to the Elevator finally opened. We rushed to get on top of the elevator while the Russians got their boxes. We rushed down from the top and out under the closing elevator door. It opened up into a long hallway.

"Good to know that fire wasn't a worry for the Russians" Dustin joked.

"Ha! Ha!" Erica responded.

"I'll race ya," I said to Robin and we took off down the corridor. We ran for a long time before we both crashed into the ground,

"They ate our dust," I said to her. We both started laughing until we stopped. "What if we don't get out of here?" I asked her

"Then we make a plan to survive," she told me. I nodded my head. The silence lapped between us as we waited for the other three to join us. We walked for a few more hours until we came across the hub for the Russians.

"Move fast and slow," Steve said and we started to creep around the base to get into the coms room. When we made it in one of the Russians was in the room and Steve charged him and fought him.

"Dude you won't fight"Dustin cheered. I slapped him on the back of the head.

"Shhh! WE are still in their base" I scolded, Dustin, winced knowing I was right. We walked up the stairs and looked into another room. In there was a giant machine opening a portal to the Upside Down

I and Robin walked up the stairs and saw a machine. Robin called to the others

"The upside down," I said, "They made a god dame portal to the upside down"

"Apparently" Dustin replied. Steve grabbed into me and Dustin and we all tore back down the stairs. This was bad, like really bad. If they were opening a portal de down who knows what the Mind Flayer was doing or if the other kids were in trouble.

"All you need to know is it's the end of the world bad," Dustin told Robin. She was getting suspicious and worried.

"You know this how?" Asked Robin as we tried to find an escape root.

"Because we, they, have dealt with this multiple times before," I told her, "This shit is serious" Robin didn't look all that scary but again were in a Russian base so how much more things could we tell her before she got worried. She just nodded her head towards me, understanding the dire situation we were in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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