The Things I Do

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"Hell no, Jimin. I'm not doing it. I refuse to be a..a.."

"Stripper? Come on Jungkook, it's not that bad. Besides, I've seen you without clothes before. Your body is amazing, you will make all the ladies AND guys go crazy. If it makes you feel better though, we are known as entertainers."

Jungkook huffed at his best friend, who was pulling on his leather work pants. "I have standards Jimin."

Jimin smirked, tossing a large bank bag on his friend's lap. "And I have this."

Jungkook unzipped the bag, looking at the contents inside. "Holy Shit! Jimin is this all from..."

"Last night, yes."

"Fuck. There must be at least a grand in here! How?"

Jimin snatched the bag from Jungkook's hands and shoved it in his work bag. "It's actually two grand. Last night was very... productive. Of course, I pay out J-Hope at the bar and Suga at the DJ booth but this is what is left."

Jungkook sat back on his threadbare sofa and looked around the run down apartment. It was all he could afford and even now he was having trouble making the rent. He paused for a moment before looking up at Jimin with the slightest interest showing in his eyes.

"What does this all involve?"

Jimin grinned and sat next to Jungkook. "I knew you would come around. Okay, so The Escape Room is very high end and classy. Yes, we strip but it is more seductive. We also have VIP rooms for paying clients."

"VIP rooms? What do you do there?"

"Oh, Jungkook. You are so naive. We have clients, both men and women, that pay for certain "services". One hundred dollars for a hand job, three hundred for a blow job and five hundred for sex. And before you ask, yes, it's legal. They have a special license. Think of it like being a gigolo."

Jungkook stared at Jimin, his mouth agape. "And do you..."

"Fuck yes I do" Jimin replied, without hesitation.

"So you sell yourself? Jimin I don't think I can do that."

"It's not a requirement of the job Jungkook. But if you service the owner Taehyung it's a thousand dollars each time. And it's so worth it. He's a sex god."

"Do you service Taehyung?" Jungkook questioned, slightly intrigued.

"Fuck yeah. I'm pretty much his personal whore. He calls for me and I provide. And I'm happy to do it. He calls his dick Taeconda and he's not lying."

Jungkook sighed. "What do I have to do?"

Jimin practically jumped in Jungkook's lap. "You have to audition for Seokjin and I first but you should be able to start right away."

"Fine. I'll do it."

"Excellent. You can come with me tonight and audition. Seokjin is going to love you!"

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