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I was sitting down on the couch reading a book while my mom was watching tv holding mews, our cat. I hear my little brother Dustin yell,"Son of a bitch!" from the other room. He then runs into the living room checking the cushions. He looks at me,"Move."                                                  

I close my book and cross my arms,"No." 

"Mia I swear to god. Move!" He then pushes me off the couch and I get pissed. "You dickhead!" I yell at him pissed out.

He throws a penny that almost hits mews,"Another stupid penny." 

My mother holds mews tighter,"Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews."

"Can I please look under your cushions?" he asks politely. If he asked nicely I would have moved. "Dusty" my mother says. 

"Mom please its an emergency!" he beggs. They both make their weird moaning sounds. I always found that weird. I stand up and grab my book. I make my way to my room. I sit down then a second late Dustin walks in.

"Do you have any quarters?" he asks. I do but based on his big performance a second ago, I need to know the reason for all this.

"And why should I give you them?" I ask. Waiting for his answer, I read a few lines in the book that I was reading. 'Love came to me, but we were both to blind to see it. I knew in that moment, that he would never leave me.' Cute. But sad in a way. 

"Hello? Earth to Mia. I need them for the arcade." I sigh as I open my drawer and open my little bag full of coins. I grab a few and hand them to him. "What only five? You have like one million in that thing!"

"Im not a piggy bank Dustin. Plus im saving up for the summer. Fives enough for the arcade." I say with a sly smile. Some people say my smile looks like a foxes. I don't comment back at it because sometimes I notice it. Even Dustin notices.

 "Fine, i'm assuming you wont drive me huh." He asks. I never drive anywhere. Only to his school and to my school. I don't have my own car and mom says that once I leave for college then she'll get me one. Its not that far, but FAR. Too far for a car. I'm only really allowed to take it other places if I ask my mom. But shes asleep and I dont want to wake her. I shake my head and Dustin nods, then leaves, closing my door.

 I sigh. Wish I was younger. Being younger, would mean almost all my problems would go away. Key word: almost. There are some problems I wish I could fix. Like me being adopted. Yep. shocker. All my friends say. 'You look nothing like Dustin or your mom. Do you get your looks from you dad?' I dont. Cause their not my real family. I found out when Dustin was only 5. My dad just yelled it to my face. 'YOUR ADOPTED, SHUT THE FUCK UP!' I dont like talking to him. But to sum it all up. Hes a dick.

 I drove to drop Dustin off at school. Then I park and get out of my car. I get all my stuff that I need and I start walking when I see a blue car park close to my car. I see a girl with bright red hair pop out and skates away. Looks like shes going towards the middle school. Maybe she'll be Dustin's friend. Then I see a guy with blonde curls get out. I hear some girls saying stuff like,"Who is he?" or like "Look at that ass," I looked and man. It was a good looking ass.

 I walk into the school and head to my first class. It ends and I get an invite from Tina. I read it and apparently its for her Halloween party that shes going to have. Hm, why not. I don't have anything better to do then watch Halloween movies all night long. Sure why not. I think to myself,' I wonder if steves gonna go?' I shake the thought out of my mind. No. I can't think stuff like that. He's with Nancy. Not me. I go to my locker and get my books that I will need for my next class. I look over and poof. Theres the new kid.

"Hello beautiful," he says to me and winks. I feel a bit disgusted since I could see his mustache starring at me which freaks me out. 

"Uh hi?" I say. I look up at him and his eyes are seeing right through mine. 

"You going to that Halloween party?" His voice. Its so, grown? Mature? I don't know. Horny? Toxic? I still have no clue. It sounds so violent, yet its so calm.

I nod,"Yup. I'm guessing your going to?" He shrugs.

"Well before I didn't think I would go. Now that I know a beauty like you is going, I might have to go as well" he gives me a smirk. I have this feeling like i'll be seeing a lot of it. "Go with me to this party, it'll be fun. I promise i'll make your night be as wild as it could ever be." He winked and I thought. 

Well, I guess this being my first date and all, I could go. Hey, maybe I'll get my first kiss, first boyfriend, first fun night in a bedroom. Damn. Why not. Live my life to the fullest I guess. "Sure, i'll be there. No picking me up or any of that. I bet your new fan girls wouldn't like seeing a girl in your fancy car. They'll rip me to shreds" I joked.

He smirked again and chuckled,"Alright then, see you till then. Princess" He winked at me then we both carried on with both our days. I have a bad feeling about this. But like I always say, the bad feelings, will always end up feeling great. Maybe he wont be as bad of a guy as he seems. 

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