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It was Halloween. Dustin was wearing this adorable ghost busters costume. I tried to warn him that kids will make fun of him. Thats what happened to me when I was in middle school. But nope. I mean I can't blame him for having fun. Hes going into high school next year. He has to stay a kid for as long as he can.

I smile as my mom is taking pictures of Dustin in his costume."Oh! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!" Mews meows and I sit down next to him and start petting him."Who you gonna call?" She starts laughing. I love seeing my mom happy. Halloween is the only night she can see her kids being who they want to be. I stopped wearing costumes after middle school. I miss them in a way. Maybe I'll wear something at the party. Nothing big. But still cute.

I arrive at the party. I went simple. Had my hair down, had a pink spaghetti strap on with some jeans. I also found some paint to put on my face. I did this cool looking design. I should do face painting as a job. I look at the house and take a deep breath. Not my first high school parties, but my first party I've been to knowing that theres a guy in their waiting for me. I walk inside and it gets loud really quick. I walk over to the kitchen and see a guy chugging something.

"Hey! Whats in this?" I ask as he finishes chugging the liquid.

"Pure fuel. Pure fuel!" he yells as he grabs more and keeps on chugging. Damn. I'll grab some. But not to much since I have to drive home. Plus I don't want to end up doing something stupid like hooking up with someone. I take a sip and oh my god. It really was pure fuel. I go to dance then someone spins me around. My cup drops and both my hands end up on a sweaty, wet chest. I look up to see Billy Hargrove.

"Glad you could make it sweetheart" he smirks and I look behind him to see his two henchmen. Well their not really men. Their more like boys in my opinion.

He had this horrible stench. He smelled like a lot of alcohol. "I see you've been drinking already." I say looking up at him. One of his hands are around my waist while the other is holding his cigarette.

"Of course princess, why wouldn't I? Its a party after all." He smirks, again.

His friend whispers into his ear and then we start walking to the corner. I see Steve and Nancy standing there.

We get there then one of Billy's friends speak to them,"We got ourselves a new keg king, Harrington."

"Yeah, thats right!" the other one says.

"Yeah eat it, Harrington."

Steve looks at Billy then his eyes land on me. Nancy's eyes also end up on me. Me and Nancy arnt friends. But we hang out sometimes. Not recently though. Billy notices and speaks up,"My eyes are up here Harrington." He puts his arm around me"Keep your eyes off" Nancy leaves to the Kitchen and I follow getting out of there.

"Hey Nancy, how have you been? I'm sorry about Barb. The police said that she disappeared. I know you two were friends and-" before I could finish Nancy took some of the punch and chugged it all.

"We weren't just friends. We were best friends. And the police dont give a damn about what happened to Barb. They don't know the truth." she said as she took another drink. Steve came over to us.

"Hey Nance- Hey slow down. Take it easy, Nance, Nance, Nance!" He said trying to take the drink.

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" she said as she got more to drink and chugged more. She wiped some of it off her face and walked away. Which was pretty hot.

I looked at Steve and then looked over to see Billy staring. I sigh and grab a drink."See you later Harrington." I took a drink and walked over to Billy. In that very moment, everything had froze. I've had a crush on Steve since the 7th grade. I decided to give up two years ago, ever since he got with Nancy.

Once I get to Billy I chug the rest of my drink and throw it to the floor. I dance with Billy because, well, fuck it. Like Nancy said. Were being stupid teenagers for the night.

I end up going outside and sitting on my car. No ones over by where I parked. So its nice and quiet. I didn't drink a lot. I have water with me to sober up. I sigh and lean back. I close my eyes then I hear crying. I stand up and see Steve walking to his car. He struggles and then hits his car. He turns around and slowly falls to the floor. His tears falling down with him. I walk over to him. "Hey, you alright?"

I sit down next to him and then I look at him. He digs his head into his knees. "Am I...bullshit?" he wipes his tears away and looks at me.

I look down and then look back at him,"You were bullshit. Last year you were a douche bag. King Steve. Oh look at me im so cool. Now, everyone has seen how much you've changed since then. They see it as a step down. But I see it as a step up. Your not bullshit Harrington."

He stares into my eyes and I stare back at him. We both lean in and then quickly pull away. "Um, me and Nancy, we uh broke up. Cause she doesn't love me and our relationship is all bullshit."

I look down then look at him,"Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?"

He seemed confused at first then answered with a laugh," Yeah, actually, rainbow sprinkles are the best."

I smile,"I love a good chocolate ice cream, in a waffle cone, topped with rainbow sprinkles. It's my go-to ice cream. Also have you seen Billys mustache. When I first talked to him it stared right into my soul. I'm not kidding."

"You should see it all sweaty during pe." he says with a chuckle.

We both laugh and then it gets quiet. I check the time and its already 11. I look at him and he nods knowing what i'm about to say."Have a good night, Mia. Talk to you tomorrow?"

I stand up and nod with a smile."Yeah, of course. Maybe after pe?"

He nods and says,"Its a date."

I smile one more time before leaving to my car. I get into my car and my smile gets even bigger. Younger me would have been screaming right now. I can't believe I had a heart to heart conversation with Steve the hair Harrington.

I start my car, still with a big smile on my face, not knowing that someone was watching me drive away. That same mustache that I was laughing at just now with Steve, was watching me, with a evil grin on his face.

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