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It was the next morning. I woke up with a little head ache. But not like a big one. I drank more water and walked to Dustin's room. I knocked on his door and he opened it."Hey, how was last night? I would've asked you last night but I got home late and your door was locked so I thought you were already asleep."

He yawned and nodded,"Last night was fun. Mike left with Will kinda early. Me, Lucas, and Max hung out the rest of the night. Oh yea, by the way, Max is my new friend I made at school. She's really cool."

I smirked,"Aww my little brother has his first crush. How cute." I messed up his curls and chuckled a little.

His hit my hand away,"I don't have a crush. She's just, just a friend."

"Yeah, a girlfriend" I smirked and walked away to get some breakfast.

I dropped Dustin off, he got his bike from the back and waved by to me. I take him to school and he rides back. It was our system. It worked cause I could hang out with my friends and he could hang out with his friends after school. I looked over to see a guy staring at me.

I park and get out of my car and grab my bag. I turn around and the guys walking up to me."Um hello. Are you Mia? Henderson?" I nod, confused. "My name is Bob. I um, worked with your parents. Before they-"

"Gave me up? So you know where they are now?" I ask wondering if this guy really knows them. I think he's hooking up with Ms Byers.

"In a way yes. Your mother, she isn't here with us anymore. But I know your father very well." he says with a smile. He seems nice. And his names Bob. He's gotta be telling the truth.

"Does he live close to here? Can I see him? I have so many questions" I say a bit exited in a way. I've never met my father before. And I wanted to know why he gave me up.

"I can answer those questions. Your father, he is um, busy." he says with a suspicious tone."We can meet up at Joyce Byers home if you'll like. I can answer all your questions."

I think for a moment. I want to meet my father, busy or not. But I probably wont get that chance. So it's better to take this opportunity while I still have it. "Right after school. I'll head there right away. Thank you. Thank you so much." I smile and he waves goodbye. Then I head into school knowing i'm going to get all the answers I need.

During pe, I sit on the bleachers reading a book. I didn't like pe much. I had none of my friends in that class. So I just stayed on the side. The boys were playing basketball while basically all the girls were watching Billy. He looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and then I locked eyes with Steve. I smiled and waved at him.

That seemed to make Billy mad and then he took the ball from Steve and pushed him to the ground. I ran down and checked if he was ok."Are you alright?" I helped him stand up and then he nodded, then smiled.

"Yeah, Billys just being a dick. Nothing new. Ever since last night though. He's been more, well, dickish." he said with a soft laugh.

I laughed a little too. Then Nancy was outside and called out to Steve. He looked at me then said,"See ya after class" then he left with Nancy. I went back to my original seat and sighed. Billy kept trying to impress me. The other girls didn't like me because of it. They despised me for it. I caught them giving me their bitch faces and I smirked and blew Billy an air kiss. He smirked and chuckled. I looked over at the girls and evil smirked.

Don't mess with a Henderson bitch. They love making people mad. Especially, mean girls.

I'm at my locker and then all of a sudden Steve comes up behind me and scares me. I scream then that scream turns into a laugh."You could've given me a heart attack dip shit!"

"I'm sorry" he puts his hands up in defense."You should have seen your face though" he said starting to laugh again. I shake my head and go through my locker looking through my books."Hey, uh, I was thinking. Do you think you would wanna go get some ice cream today after school? I know a good place."

I looked at him and frowned,"I'm sorry, after school I'm meeting up with Ms Byers boyfriend, Bob. He says he can answer all the questions I have about my actual parents."

He nods."Yeah, I uh, I understand. I'm happy for you though. Your finally going to get to know your parents. Are they going to be there. Your parents?"

I shake my head again,"No, apparently, my mother had passed. And my father cant come because he's to busy."

"I get it. I'm sorry about your mom. You should've gotten a chance to say goodbye to her you know. And obviously have gotten to really know her."

I smile"Hey, Steve-" Before I could finish the bell rings. I sigh and grab my books."I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, bye." I hear him sigh as I walk to class. I was going to ask him if he wanted to hang out tonight. To watch a movie or something. But maybe it's for the best. I mean he broke up with Nancy just last night. And clearly made it official today during pe. I guess it was a sign from the gods. Telling me not to do it.

After school I quickly go to my car and then start driving to the Byers home. I'm so excited. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to meet them. I won't actually meet them, but it'll be like meeting them to me in a way. I drive up to the house and take a deep breath before getting out of my car and walking to the front door.

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