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I'm in the kitchen getting a snack while my mom comes in with Mews toy. The poor thing has gone missing. I sit on the living room couch crossing my legs and eating some of the cheez-itz from a glass bowl.

"Dusty, baby, you're sure she's not in your room? Or in your room Mia?" My mom asked with worry all over her face.

"Sorry mom. I've checked my room four times now, and still no sign of her." I say while I take her hand and rub it gently. I haven't told her or Dustin about meeting Bob yet because Mews had just disappeared last night and I wanted to focus on finding Mews.

Dustin gives us both the fingers signaling us to be quiet. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Thank you so much, Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. All right, this was great. Thank you. All right. Have a good one. Bye-bye, now. All right. You, too." He then hangs up the phone and walks over to me and mom. I stand up putting the glass bowl on the coffee table. "All great, great news."

"They found her?" I ask putting my arm around moms.

"No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora." Dustin said with a soft voice. Sounded like he was talking to a child.

Our mom started crying and said,"How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" She sounded sad but happy all at the same time.

"I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they're gonna look for her. And I'll stay here, just in case they call again." He took our moms hands into his comforting her,"And you and Mia are gonna go help look? Yeah? Yeah? Give me a hug. Give me a hug." She then hugged him but something didn't seem right with Dustin."Go get her. You're gonna find her. We can find her." He put a thumbs up as mom was getting her things for the car. "I love you" Dustin said as he blew mom a kiss.

When mom was walking out I slammed the door shut and looked at Dustin."Okay, cut the crap. What's going on?" I crossed my arms looking at Dustin.

"W-What are you talking about? I'm just helping with finding Mews. You know how much that cat means to mom." Dustin said in his defense.

"I get it's a bad situation, but you never baby talk THAT much with mom. Ever. Plus, I can tell when something bigger is going on. Now tell me what's going on."


I looked at him and chuckled a bit."A creature ate Mews. You sure you didn't hurt yourself when looking for her?" I checked his head looking for any bumps.

He moved my hand and sighed,"Mia, please, you have to believe me. If you don't believe me can you at least help me find the creature?"

I looked at him and sighed,"Can't believe I'm doing this but sure. I'll help you find this imaginary creature."

We both then geared up putting hockey masks on and pillows all over our bodys. Why was I doing this again? Dustin got us hockey sticks while I got baloney because apparently this creature likes it.

We stood in front of Dustin's room ready for the creature to attack,"All right, Dart. Breakfast time." He slowly opened the door and started running to his old playhouse, whispering "Oh, my god" and "Shit, shit, shit" a bunch of times. I followed behind him and we closed the playhouse door. We looked through the cracks.

"Dustin this has gone far enough don't you think?" As soon as I said that, a tiny monster came out of the house. Before I let out a big gasp, Dustin covered my mouth.

We watched as it followed the baloney eating its way to the cellar. It was about to go inside but it turned around and looked at us. I let out a tiny scream and pulled Dustin to the opposite wall. He looked through the crack again and pulled back faster.

He took a couple deep breaths before going out yelling at the thing,"Dustin!" I followed out trying to protect him. He hit the thing with the hockey stick and it fell down the cellar. We both closed each door and layed on top of them panting a little.

"I'm sorry. You ate my car." Dustin said. We both sat up and I hit his arm really hard."Ow! What was that for!"

Oh I don't know Dustin! Maybe bringing a creature like that into our home! Not to mention, it ate moms favorite and only cat! What were you thinking!" I scolded him for taking off the mask.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted a pet cause it didn't look dangerous at the time. It was just a tiny baby. I was going to show my friends cause, well, we've seen bigger versions of it before." He explained.

"What do you mean you've seen bigger versions of these things? What have you not been telling me Dustin? And be honest." I wanted to know what he's been going through.

Once he told me everything I gave him a big hug."Dustin! Why didn't you tell me about this? I mean I probably wouldn't have believed it at first but you still should've told me.''

He smiled and sighed,"I'm sorry. I didn't want to seem like a crazy person."

After we buried Mews, Dustin went out to see if any of his friends were home since they wouldn't respond to his radio call. I hear honking outside and see Steve's car. I go outside and see Dustin popping out of the car.

I went into the garage and grabbed my bow and changed into better clothes that I wouldn't mind getting dirty in. Since we were going to be killing whatever lizard, dragon, creature that ate our cat.

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