A Love Like No Other

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It was Winter when he was adopted by Akashi Seijuro, the man of his dreams.

It was cold and freezing outside of the shop. The shop owner apparently forgot about me when he packed the others to take to his vacation house. I looked around to see if there's anybody to help me. I was starting to shake because of the coldness. I walked from house to house to see if anybody will notice me but...who am I joking?

Even my own kind didn't notice me! Maybe...I'll die this winter and be alone like any day. It will be like any other ordinary day...

But destiny seems to be playful sometimes...

As he lay there, on the ground, thinking about his whole life, having a flashback. A man with red hair and different -colored eyes walked towards him.

He noticed me?! How? He is just any other human! But, how could he...?

The man in front of him smiled and picked him up carefully. The man with red hair carried him towards, what he thought, is the man's car. The man dropped him off the back sit and sat on the front. They drove away from the place and set off to, what he knew, the man's house.

This human...he is special. And, is very rich by the way he dress and his car must be very expensive.

But, his surprise was hidden by his normal poker face. 

The ride seems to take hours as they have stopped from one place to another just to buy things or... the man could have just forgotten the things that he wants and needs to buy.

Then, after 2 long hours, they stopped in front of a very big mansion. It has huge black gates and the tiles were all red, like you were walking on a star's home. 

"Come, my pet. Let us go inside to warm you up."

Nonetheless, he just followed the man. He feels that the man isn't just some kind of stranger. He actually looks very familiar, like they have met before. So, he went inside the huge mansion and stopped at the living room. His eyes widen as he looked around the said place.

How beautiful. Charming and very classical. Oh! How I wish that I could live here! But...I think that man will just give me back to the pet shop when the Spring came...

Feeling a little bit sad. He followed the man towards the kitchen. The man gave him a cat food that he didn't tasted before. At first, he was reluctant to eat the food. But seeing those red and yellow eyes of the man made him shiver. So, he tried to eat the new food.

It taste nice...

He thought while munching on the cat food. He kept on eating and eating until he finished the whole bowl.

I have never eaten anything nice like that before.

The man took his bowl and proceeded to clean it. He waited patiently for the man and just stared at the huge kitchen before him. He thought of cooking something and he needs a rec- wait. He is a cat and cats has no hands to cook nor bake food.

I wish I could turn into a human...just to cook food to this huge mansion.

His thoughts were cut short when someone is calling for him to the living room.

Must be the human. I need to go there before he get irritated.

He proceeded towards the living room where the human is waiting for him. He saw it watching a huge screen, which is called TV, while looking very bored.

Huh? For what reason did he call me for?

He went towards the human and licked it's hand. The human stopped watching for a moment and stared at him, contemplating where to place his room.

"My pet, come and watch this with me." Huh? This human is starting to freak me out...

We watched this movie called "Mulan", which I love because of this Chinese girl who did everything to save his father from coming to this war and to serve the Emperor.

After that night...I slowly got accustomed to this whole mansion and to my new master...

Akashi Seijuro.


Hey guys! I gotta write this story! I am totes into AKAKURO right now!

Inspired by the cover and nya! Neko!Kuroko x Akashi! I love Akakuro!

P.S. my other stories will be continued while I finish this...  

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