Chapter One

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I love Spring.... It was the only time Master Akashi can take me walking outside for a very long time.

A rare smile was seen on his face as he felt his master's happiness whilst with him. He knew that this happiness was only temporary. The feeling of freedom was always temporary for an Akashi, or so that's what his master always say to him. So,  every time they are together, he would try his best to be a good pet for him which makes him happy in return.

"Tetsuya, let us sit by the fountain. I have a feeling that we will someone there today." His master's feelings are always right, that's what he learned from the time he was with him. And that no one says no to him or even dared to say that he was wrong because, he is quite scary sometimes.

If that is what you wish, Akashi-kun.

He mewled in agreement and let his master guide him towards the park. It was their favorite place to be as there are only children there, which means that no one will recognize his master as the famous owner of the Akashi Incorporation.

"Tetsuya, come." He followed obediently and he walked faster than before. Behind them, he heard people talking about them; on how obedient he was, how good his master is in training me to follow his commands and the usual talk of his master being the owner of a big company. His master doesn't like to hear people talking about him but if they are praising 'his Tetsuya', it is evident he likes it.

"That cat of his is so obedient. I wish my car was like that..."

"My cat is a lazy furball that can't follow a single command."

"And what a handsome man his owner is."

"He is the man of my dreams just by looking at him."

He heard the last one and it made him growl angrily. No one has the right to say that his master is her dream man. That girl must be fantasizing about him right now.

"Don't be too overprotective of me, Tetsuya. I can take care of myself." He must know that his master will notice him, he always does. He purred and just continued walking towards the park. He just wish that everyone will tire out of their useless gossips.

"We are here, Tetsuya." It seems so. He smiled and looked at the green grasses. He loves playing there.

"And look, there's Shintaro." With his cat, Takao. He sighed and both he and his master went towards the cat and his owner. Said man bowed slightly towards his master , a sign that says he respected him.

"It is good to see you here, Shintaro." His master was answered with a nod. His master sat beside the fountain and brought out a shogi board, a board game which his master very much liked.

"Come play with me." Said man nodded towards his master. His master removed that long rope from his collar and set him loose to play, as what the man named Shintaro did to his cat.

"Thank goodness they let us out of those long ropes." The cat Takao stated while stretching his body.

"Yes, it was a fine feeling." He answered as he did the same as Takao did. A fine day to play tag. He ran towards he grasses and shouted at Takao.

"Play tag with me, Takao-kun." He shouted towards his fellow cat as he stumbled on the grasses. He giggled as he wattmched Takao trying to run towards him but kept on falling at his face. Finally, he was reached by Takao.

"Stop giggling at me, Kuroko-chan." Takao pouted as he sat beside him, waiting for him to say go to start playing tag with him. Tag is a nice way of letting out steam.

"Ready, set go!!!"

Both owners of the cats looked towards their pets as they heard the loud 'meows' from them. Their favorite felines seems to be having so much fun on their own.

"I am starting to notice that you never leave the house without your cat, Shintaro." Akashi stated as he made his move. midorima moved as well, making him chuckle in amusement as his playmate went towards his trap.

"I could say the same to you, Akashi." It seems that Midorima has noticed his mistake on walking right through his well-made trap. Said man clicked his tounge as he knew that he is starting to lose.

"Well, what can you say? He is the only one that understands me, the only worthy of my mind." He moved again, much to Midorima's annoyance. It seems evident on who is going to win.

"It looks like I am the same as you, Akashi. We both only needed our loyal pets beside us." He tried changing his position to even have a chance of winning.

"You should know that I always win, Shintaro." He does win all the time, ever since they had met which was in their childhood years. Shintaro sighed. He stared back to where their felines are. Sometimes, he wished that Takao was a human. He would have more worth than anybody else (except for Akashi of course).

"I know what you are thinking, and I wish that mine is also like a human as well. He understands me more than anyone else. Ever since my parents died, he was there for me." A sad smile went its way towards Akashi's face as he rememberednhow his little feline comforted him. He would curl up to him and purr out words that he will never understand.

"Do you think they are thinking the same thoughts as ours?"

"Do you think they are thinking the same thoughts as ours?" Takao asked Kuroko as they laid down the grass after a tiring game of tag. They we're both exhausted but, it was fun.

"Maybe, I don't know." He stated while looking up the sky. He yawned and turned around.

"I wish we can turn to human so that we can comfort them." He nodded in agreement as he thought about the things that he and his master could do if he is human.

I can most of all, say my feelings towards him. He blushed for a second when he thought of doing such things.

"Hey! My master told me that tonight, there'll be a shooting star!!! How about we wish on it and maybe, it will grant our wishes."

That can actually work... That's the only way I can think of to have a chance of talking with Master and being with him...

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